Create Love & War for Minecraft

  • Author: pttheta
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 03.03.2025
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Create Love & War

NOTE: Do not install basic parts pack, this is a replacement.

Create: Love and War aims to blend the crafting and infrastructure of Create, with the firepower of Flan's mod, to create a “old school cool” gun mod with a focus on survival and crafting progression.

This mod depends on:

Create (0.5.1f)

Flan’s Mod Reloaded (do not install basic parts pack, this mod is a replacement for it)


Create: Love and War primarily serves as a replacement to Flan’s mod reloaded’s basic parts pack, using Create machinery to produce varying tiers of gun parts and ammunition. Work your way up from old fashioned paper cartridges to some the finest technology the 1950’s has to offer.


Guns are loosely divided among multiple eras, starting with paper cartridge black powder rifles and working up to early cold war. 

All guns have create-inspired alternate skins, apply using the gun modification table.


Paper Cartridge Era: (requires paper)



-Martini-Henry cavalry carbine

Brass Cartridge Era: (requires brass)


-Colt Walker
-Winchester Model 1887 (complete with spin-cocking)

-Berthier M16 Carbine
-Alof Repeating Shotgun

-Vetterli-Vitali Mod.1870
-Vetterli Modell 1869

-Lebel Model 1886

-Krag-Jorgensen Carbine (with offset scope)


Semi Automatic Era: (requires precision mechanisms)


-Webley-Mars automatic pistol

-Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917


Automatic Era: (requires netherite barrels)


-Thompson Model 1921

-Colt Monitor


Experimental Era: (requires polymers)


-Rifle, No.9 Mk.I (EM-2)

-FA-MAS Type 62

-Sturmgewehr 57
All but the experimental era can be crafted at a simple gunsmithing table. Experimental weapons require special workbenches. Perhaps you might find some blueprints in dungeons, who knows.

Guns will have different attributes and abilities depending on what material they are crafted with so go out and experiment a bit.

Due to the time period of these weapons most do not accept attachments, thus there are none contained in this mod. Experimental tier weapons will accept some attachments from other content packs such as Vender’s Game

Natural resources:

Tungsten ore

Sulfur ore

Crude oil (found under oceans)

Tar sands (found in deserts, used to produce crude oil)



Drawing Press:

Use the drawing press to convert brass sheets into bullet casings. By drawing a brass sheet multiple times, various types of bullet casing can be produced, from pistol casings, to rifle, grenade and artillery shell casings.

Once you have a casing, use a deployer to fill it with gunpowder, and then insert a metal nugget to complete the bullet. JEI is recommended for viewing detailed recipe pathways.

Stamping Press:

Functions similar to the mechanical press, right click this machine with a template, place a metal/composite sheet underneath it and it will produce parts according to the template. Shift+Right click with an empty hand to remove the attached template.

Fractional Distillation Tower:

Right click on a fluid tank with a thermostat to convert it into a Fractional Distillation Tower.

Used to convert crude oil into various resources. Diesel can fuel your blaze burners (and one day your vehicles). Kerosene can be converted into Ethylene, which can be turned into Polymers, a new material used to craft high-tier guns.

This should be compatible with any petrochemical mod that uses the forge:crude_oil tag, and fuels should be fully compatible with Create Diesel Generators

This module is a little vestigial while we rebuild Flan’s mod, so we recommend using other addons like Create Diesel Generators to fully utilize this.

Robot Dog

Don’t have any friends? Don’t worry you can quite literally make some!

Build your own loyal companion and kit them out with a range of upgrades (right click to apply)


Give them an armour upgrade to improve their defense


Give them a chest so they can carry items (shift click to access)


Give them a scanner so they can detect dropped items and retrieve them for you (requires chest)


Give them a gun so they can commit sins (consumes pistol ammo) (requires chest)


Give them a hug, it has ingested 64 kilos of enriched uranium and will go supercritical


And most fun of all, dye them whatever colour you want, you might even find some custom paintjobs out exploring.


What are the dependencies?

      -Create and Flan’s mod reloaded. Flan’s mod legacy will not work. If you managed to get this running on Flan’s mod Legacy I advise you to call a priest.

How do I craft XYZ?

      -I recommend using JEI for recipes

How do I make a distillation column?

      -Right click on a fluid tank with a thermostat. Make sure the tank is 5 blocks tall to properly produce all fractions.

How do I craft guns?

      -To craft a gun you need a gunsmithing table and components

Can I use mechanical crafters?

      -Sort of. Most guns have alternate recipes that allow for mass-production via mechanical crafters, however they will not have any additional abilities.

Where do I find blueprints?

     -Dungeon chests

I don’t like smelly old guns, how about something more modern?

      -Try Vender’s game

Will you make gun XYZ?

      -If it’s weird and interesting maybe. I’d like to keep the roster sensibly sized, give other people more room to make their own interesting gun mods.

      -Yes I know about the brass maxim, of course I want to make it lmao

Is this compatible with [Gun mod name]

      -I only know Flan’s mod, though I’d like to enable compatibility when possible. If any gun mod authors are interested please let me know, the more variety the better!

Will this be updated to XYZ?

      -No idea, depends how much of a pain it is. 

Fabric? Neoforge? Other modloaders?

      -I have no technical knowledge on how this would work so I can’t really comment here. I’m old and the multiple modloaders thing is still a new dynamic to me.

Why the robot dog?

      -He is my son.

What noise does a Shark make?

      -They usually just cry

Images Create Love & War

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Download Create Love & War

Available for next versions: 1.20.1
Game versions
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createloveandwar-0.4.1-1.20.1-Create-6.0.0 04.03.2025 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 658 Download
createloveandwar-0.4.1-1.20.1-Create-0.5.1 04.03.2025 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 133 Download
createloveandwar-0.4-1.20.1 21.01.2025 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 2 k Download
createloveandwar-0.3-1.20.1 29.10.2024 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 1 k Download
createloveandwar-0.2.1-1.20.1 24.10.2024 forge R 2 MB 1.20.1 40 Download
createloveandwar-0.2-1.20.1 23.07.2024 forge R 1 MB 1.20.1 8 k Download
createloveandwar-0.1-1.20.1 03.02.2024 forge R 3 MB 1.20.1 13 k Download
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