If you are no longer satisfied with vanilla biomes and you want something new, then there are many modes that add different biomes and measurements to Minecraft. We suggest you take a look at Core Ascension mode since there is a possibility that you will like it by its add-ons for the gaming world. This mode adds a variety of biomes to the game that will diversify your gameplay. In addition, these biomes often include new blocks from which new crafts are made available to gamers. This mode also offers gamers new tools, weapons and armor.
The first innovation is – four new biomes. The pine grove – is a biome filled with turf, lakes and large pine trees. After extracting the cedar, you can use it as building blocks as it allows the gamer to create any other standard sets of blocks. Unfortunately, without shaders, this biome looks like an ordinary dim swamp.
One of the most unusual biomes is – tropical biome filled with black sand. In addition to the beautiful tropical biome, you can find a flower called «the bird of paradise» here, from which two yellow dyes are made. The land in this region contains an enormous number of shells that gamers cannot use. However, you can get coconut from local trees, which easily breaks into two parts (you just need to use a workbench or inventory), and after this procedure you can eat it and replenish four units of saturation level.
Gemstone biome – is a paradise for fans of gemstones as trees grow here, from which gamers can extract diamonds, rubies, topazes, amethysts, sapphires and emeralds. In words, it sounds quite simple, but in fact you are sure to face some difficulties. To mine a diamond, you have to break a diamond tree using a pickaxe. After that, you need to melt down the extracted logs in the furnace and get a diamond fragment as a result of this procedure. From the fragments you will get one full diamond. So you can extract 10 or – 12 diamonds from one tree. Unfortunately, you will not be able to grow such trees, and you will only be able to find some of them during the game. The latest feature of this biome is that you will be able to find ores even on the surface of this location (as well as in caves).
Damned valley – is not a beautiful biome, but a creepy One. This valley does not include anything remarkable — – is just a biome with a dim green sky and withered trees.
This mode significantly changes the caves, and all this because of the new cave structures. The overgrown cave – is a cave covered with rock, overgrown moss, and its variations.
The mushroom cave – is a cave filled with mushrooms, or rather one type of mushroom, – such as the luminous one. Glowing mushroom, as hard to guess, emits a small amount of light, and kraft will help you get blue dye.
Slag cave – is a very small biome in which various vanilla types of ore and one new ore contain, such as – sunstone. Also the sunstone is in the lower world.
The last and most unusual location is – the cave of spiders –. It is a place filled with a huge amount of spawners and cobwebs. If you are lucky, you will be able to extract from this place a lot of minerals.
In addition to new underground biomes, you will find new ores and rocks in the caves of your in-game world. This mode adds the following rocks to Minecraft: limestone (modified appearance), salt rock and lodestone. You can use all four blocks and their variations only for construction and decoration. You can extract a block of solidified lava near the hot lava, which is a fuel that can melt 15 items.
In addition, this mode will add to the game such ores as: ruby, topaz, amethyst and citrine (gamers can find sapphire only in paradise and in gemstone biome). Finding all these ores will take a long time, as it is not yet clear where these ores appear most often.
The first and most useful item you really need to create is – a backpack. The backpack– is a perfectly regular chest that you can carry with you during your travels in the in-game world of Minecraft. The only thing you might not understand is – the recipe for making a backpack, because you will need two whole iron blocks to build this.
If you like digging tunnels or if you need to get something in a short period of time, we advise you to use hammers . The working principle of the hammer is simple — – after you break one block, a few more ones will break next to it. Moreover, one hammer breaks 9 blocks at a time (3x3). Also, you can enchant your hammer, as in the case of regular pickaxe - in this case, it will become many times more effective as a tool.
If you need to quickly break grass or foliage, then we strongly recommend you take advantage of this mode as it will add a new useful tool to Minecraft such as – scythe. Scythe breaks leaves and grass, covering a huge radius.
Another unique and useful tool is – the tool (yes, it has exactly this name). The tool combines four other tools, such as – scissors, ax, shovel and pickaxe. The main feature of this hybrid tool is that you cannot break it by any methods.
Molten sword (which has 7.5 points of damage) and the molten pickaxe – are tools that you can create from the sun stone that we have already described in this article. The feature of a molten sword is that when struck, the target ignites, and when the gamer uses the pickaxe, the items appear in molten form during their extraction.
To create most items, you should have special ingredients that you can only create through catalyst usage. The main ingredient for creating many items and the catalyst itself is sulfur, which you can find in the lower world. For example, you can create sulfur items such as a petrified wood –. To do this, you should add sulfur, stone and log to the catalyst, and then press the “"Done"”.
The resulting fossilized wood is used in the creation of staff. Each staff has its unique features.
Ruby staff deals 8 to 10 points of damage, and it also fires an enemy.
Citrine staff deals a small amount of damage (5-7 points of damage), but its main feature is instant death, because one blow with a staff throws an enemy to 7-10 blocks apart.
Topaz staff deals 7-9 points of damage and has a very interesting effect on the target. So, when the opponent has this effect, he can’t hurt anyone in melee.
Emerald staffdeals 10 points of damage to the enemy and additionally adds a level 2 poisoning effect.
Diamond staff has no effects, but this feature is compensated for by extremely high damage (15-17 points).
Sapphire staff imparts deceleration effect on enemy and gives 10 points of health.
Amethyst staff deals as much damage as the sapphire staff, but unfortunately it has no effects.
Now, you can find ore in hell, which is very similar to netherite– isnetherite ore. Unfortunately, you will not be able to create netherite from new ore, but you will be able to use it as a block for construction instead.
On the surface of basalt deltas, you can find uranium ore and then melt it into uranium bar. Uranium bar is able for craft in a full set of tools, as well as armor.
Uranium armor will give you 15 protection points in total without any additional effects. Uranium pickaxe has no unique features initially, but if you press the SHIFT button, it will produce all the ore within a 7x7x7 radius. Uranium ax works the same way, allowing you to quickly break trees within the same radius. So, uranium sword will generate a small explosion within a certain radius, causing the target to suffer additional damage and take off. This explosion will not be able to deform the landscape or break small objects and so you can easily use the sword.
Once you have enough obsidian and diamonds, you can make obsidian armor. In issue of armor characteristic is quite weak, but instead it imposes on gamer fire resistance effect.
It happens that in the lower world there is a small but mysterious house. Inside this house, you will find frames with unintelligible items, ender chest, anvil and table for enchantment. «Unintelligible items» is a tadanithe crystal or diamond that is extremely useful in crafting best quality equipment. However, it doesn’t mean you have to run all over hell looking for new crystals. Moreover, you can find them in a new realm. Also, you can take out some useful items from this house, such as diamond block.
Another useful item that mode added to Minecraft is – the magic mirror. The functionality of this item is quite clear — – it teleports you to the spawn point.
The next innovation is – the new enchantments. The first one is – «the step». «The step» is an enchantment used exclusively on boots, because the automatic jump will be triggered by them. If you have the second level of these spells, you will be able to walk on water. Mutentuoch – is a pickaxe enchantment that will melt down all minerals automatically. Repelling – is an enchantment for the bib. If you use this spell, anyone who attacks you will fly up and take damage from the fall (on the second level, mobs will take off at 10-15 blocks). Experience Boosts – is an enchantment for tools, using which, the gained experience will significantly increase.
Quite often there are situations when a gamer puts a spell on a particular item, such as an iron pickaxe. This gives the gamer additional quality spells that he can use to improve the diamond pickaxe. This mode will allow gamers to do this as it adds a useful device to the game, such as – a spell transmitter. To split the spell, you need to put an enchanted tool and an empty book into one slot. After that, you just have to press the button and then, all the charms will be moved to the book for several units of your XP.
The main innovation of this mode is the new realm — – the paradise. If you plan to enter paradise, the gamer must create a portal of luminous stone, and then activate it by usage of waypoint.
At present, this realm consists of six monotonous and uninteresting biomes that we recommend you study independently. In the paradise, you can find some vanilla mobs as well as four new creatures.
Although it is paradise, gamers can often encounter an aggressive flying spider here, but it is not of great danger. After death from this creature, you will only lose an eye.
Mycelium – is a mixture of flying mushroom and jellyfish that has 10 points of health. Also, it is an aggressive mob, but you should not be afraid of it. After the death of this creature you get a fly agaric and a regular mushroom.
The dark matter medusa has 12 points of health and little resistance to damage. After its death, with some probability, you can get dark matter gel. This gel is optimal for creating a piston. The piston will repel the player with a force that is equal to the amount of redstone connected to the piston.
The last mob is – a golem, that appears in a flying structure. The golem appears the minute you step on a special decorated block. After its appearance, the defender immediately starts attacking the gamer, and it also poses a great danger to the gamer as it has 45 points of health and significant damage. In the object itself, there is a chest with various objects and an unusual sword that, when struck, inflicts negative and positive effects on the opponent and you respectively.
In addition, in this object you can find a special furnace, which is necessary aerobic photo shell (that can be found only in the chests of this structure). This furnace will immediately melt down all items, and it is very useful.
The latest innovation in a new realm is – the ores. In the caves, you will find sapphire and titanium ore. You can craft sapphire tools and equipment from these minerals. Sapphire tools are more effective than diamond ones, but you should not rush to conclusions as sapphire armor has more weak points than diamond one. However, you can upgrade your sapphire armor to the level of crystal one. For this, you will need four different crystals in hell.
To get to the core of hell, To get to the core of Hell, a gamer should create a portal from Hell’s Ice and activate it with the Hell’s Core Key, the creation of which will require the dragon egg (now, the egg is available for craft). Before entering the portal, we advise you to take with you the potions of night vision, as it is very dark in there. It is in this realm, a huge amount of tadanithe crystal is found. There, only three mobs inhabit: ghasts, eskimo zombies (same zombies, but have changed appearance) and ice cubes. It is the ice cube that gives the gamer a special item from which he can craft the pickaxe, which can extract bedrock.
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