Appreciated the leaves of the flowering azalea and would like to use them more often to create a beautiful courtyard but think that the vanilla plant lacks variety in terms of foliage? Colorful Azaleas is a special add-on that will provide you with completely new azalea options. For now, it features seven azalea variants, which can be obtained very easily. The most interesting thing is that these trees will differ in terms of not only foliage but also logs. The content of the mod is incredibly bright and colorful. It is a sheer pleasure to use the new resources, so be sure to install the mod and go to the game world to get the new azaleas.
The mod is available for version 1.19.2 only, and you can use both Forge and Fabric. It received many updates, and the designers added more and more new content, but for a long time, there have been no updates, so perhaps the mod is complete, and all the ideas have been implemented. So let us now go to the game world in search of the new azaleas!
To get the new tree types, you will first need to create the respective saplings. Thus, to get the orange azalea, you need to mix the orange dye with azalea in the crafting table. However, you should use the ordinary azalea, not the flowering one — otherwise, you will not succeed and not be able to get a new sapling of orange azalea. Then, plant the sapling in the game world and wait for a full-blown tree to appear, or use bone meal to accelerate the process.
Finally, you can see a new orange azalea tree. Unlike the vanilla azalea, this type of tree is larger and basically more beautiful. Along the usual azalea leaves, great-looking orange leaves will grow on it. Harvest them using shears and use them for construction and decorative purposes — they will certainly be helpful to you in creating a colorful atmosphere!
After you approach the tree, you will understand that instead of the usual oak log, a new block is used here — the tecal azalea log. You can collect these logs to craft planks for further use in construction. When creating a hatch and door, you will see that their texture is different from the vanilla one and that they have acquired a stunning appearance. Be sure to take advantage of the new doors and hatches made of tecal azalea to give your buildings even more beauty and charm.
The sapling of yellow azalea is created in a similar way but requires the yellow dye. Crafted too many orange azalea saplings without being aware of the existence of other variants? Do not worry — you can easily change its color by simply combining this sapling with another dye, that is, yellow. After growing a yellow azalea tree, you will see that it is incredibly bright and colorful. It is worth noting that along with the leaves, new blocks will grow on it, namely drooping azalea leaves. They will also grow on other azalea trees, but their colors will be different. You will be able to collect these drooping leaves and then place them on other leaves to create a colorful yard. They will combine not only with the azalea leaves, though, but also with oak and other leaves.
The yellow azalea has an altogether different wood, which can be detected even with the naked eye, as its logs are a light color. You will also be able to craft planks from them, and they will also have the same color, which will give your structures a fresh look. Doors and hatches made of this wood can also boast a unique texture. It features bright vegetation spread throughout the texture of the door or hatch, which will surely appeal to you.
As we have already noted, the mod adds seven variants of azaleas. We have considered two of them, orange and yellow, but there are five more variants left. However, their recipes are exactly the same and differ only in terms of the dye used. You will also be able to get red, white, blue, pink, and purple azaleas — the latter slightly resembles the vanilla one. Each tree has a unique wood, from which you will be able to create doors and hatches with new textures — just choose the color you like and enjoy it!
fabric-1.19.2-2.3.1 | 19.05.2023 | fabric | R | 621 KB | 1.19.2 | 162 | Download |
forge-1.19.2-2.3.1 | 19.05.2023 | forge | R | 492 KB | 1.19.2 | 1 k | Download |
forge-1.19.2-2.3.0 | 18.05.2023 | forge | R | 492 KB | 1.19.2 | 1 | Download |
fabric-1.19.2-2.3.0 | 18.05.2023 | fabric | R | 621 KB | 1.19.2 | 1 | Download |
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forge-1.19.2-2.2.3 | 18.05.2023 | forge | R | 492 KB | 1.19.2 | 0 | Download |
fabric-1.19.2-2.2.2 | 07.05.2023 | fabric | R | 621 KB | 1.19.2 | 0 | Download |
forge-1.19.2-2.2.2 | 07.05.2023 | forge | R | 491 KB | 1.19.2 | 0 | Download |
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