As players develop in Minecraft, they accumulate a huge amount of resources, which are hard to manage. They can be divided in different boxes, and you’ll also need to sort the contents in each chest to understand which blocks you need and which ones you don’t. It also true for various items. Considering how many blocks and different elements are available in Minecraft now, this will be a big problem for the player. Here, different types of sorters and tweaks come to the rescue, so that you can divide them by a certain type of blocks or name in a single click.
The Chest Inv Sort mod will allow you to sort items and blocks in Minecraft, both in the character’s inventory and in various chests, boxes and other containers. This is a versatile and fast mod for the game, which perfectly copes with its tasks. We recommend trying it, because it’s difficult to show in the screenshots how convenient the functionality added to the game is, but all your problems will disappear in just a couple of clicks. So, this is one of the most important mods for Minecraft, which you need to install first, and only then you can pay attention to all sorts of mini maps, FPS optimization and other add-ons.
Accumulating a large amount of resources in the game is a normal practice for any player. You go down into mines, collect valuable materials and blocks in dungeons, buy them from other players, and exchange them. Thus, you accumulate a lot of different items over time. You need to sort them, but doing it manually is a pretty bad idea, since you’ll spend a lot of time and nerves. It’s better to install the Chest Inv Sort mod and put any inventory in order in a couple of clicks. If you haven’t tried this mod yet, we recommend checking the features it adds to the game:
· Quick sorting of items in your inventory, in the inventory of any container, storage, barrels, chests, and other similar items;
· Hot keys for quick sorting, so that you can do everything in just 1 click;
· Supports most mods that have new types of containers and a GUI interface. The Chest Inv Sort mod works with many global mods and allows you to sort even non-vanilla items;
· Opportunity to sort by item type or by name. For example, you have a large number of enchanted books and various types of valuable materials in your chest. If you click on the «sort by type», the books will be displayed first, and all the rest will follow. Indeed, this kind of system is very convenient;
· Parameters. You can change configuration in the game and select other key for quick sorting;
· Easy operation. The Chest Inv Sort mod doesn’t actually load the launcher, even though it constantly intercepts the interface of various containers to add sorting buttons to the game. You won’t notice any changes, the game performance game will remain at the same level.
If you need to sort out containers and storage places, you can limit yourself to a couple of actions:
· Open an inventory or a storage where you need to, so to say, «optimize» working space;
· Now, click on the default button for sorting (middle mouse button); after that, all the items will be automatically sorted.
The procedure ends here. Everything is performed in just one click and require no additional actions from the user. What’s even more importantly, it’s almost instant. It doesn’t matter where you play: in single player mode or on the server. The system will work quickly both in single mode and in network mode, so Chest Inv Sort is widely used on many Minecraft servers, as it can be installed not only as a client, but as a server as well. We’ve tested this mod’s functions and clearly showed how the random arrangement of blocks and objects in any chest changes. The most important thing is that this system is supported in most other containers added by third-party mods.
To sum up, we can say that the Chest Inv Sort mod offers really high-quality and important functions for the game of Minecraft, allowing you to sort any items in one click. This is a very important tool for any user who often plays and collects resources. Moreover, it even helps out when you just need to put things in order in your inventory. For example, you collected a lot of different resources and want to sort them out instantly: all you’ll need to do is to open any chest and click the mouse hot key (it’s the middle button by default, but you can change it to any other, including the keyboard ones).
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