Bygone Nether (Fabric) for Minecraft

  • Author: izofar
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 26.09.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Bygone Nether (Fabric)

Bygone Nether

Another small mod and add-on for Nether in Minecraft. The mod offers to complement the familiar structures with new ones, adds a few new mobs, armor, and a couple of curious artifacts.


Catacombs. Large basalt structures full of dangers. The very design of the Catacombs (and all other structures added by the mod) harmoniously fits into vanilla Minecraft but does what the native dungeons failed to achieve – terrifies travelers. Indeed, the place is incredibly creepy, and considering that it’s inhabited by new, strong and evil mobs, you won’t feel like exploring the Catacombs anymore.

Generally, you’ll find two new mobs on the territory – Wither Riders and Ghosts. And none of them will like a stranger invading their territory. But now, the players will finally have the opportunity to be free in farming the Withers’ heads without worrying about accidentally hitting the Zombified Piglins.

Citadel. Despite the name, it’s a rather modest residence of Endermen on the Nether territory. The buildings are small, a couple of chests will randomly spawn at the top, and the local inhabitants – Distorted Endermen – are mostly indifferent to the player.

Piglin Manor. What you really don’t expect to find in the Nether is houses. Ordinary houses. On the other hand, if Piglins can trade and behave smartly enough, then why can’t they have their own houses?

The Manors are rather modest and empty inside: a couple of Striders, a couple of chests, a little gold in the floor, and that’s it. The only interesting things are Piglin hunters on Wither horses and Pigrin Convicts, who, unlike their fellows, don’t wear gold armor and walk in modest rags instead.

The mod significantly updates two vanilla structures – Piglin Bastion and Fortress – making them larger and adding rooms to them. Now, these aren’t boring small structures, but real mazes full of dangers and chests with loot. At the same time, the authors of the mod managed to preserve the usual vanilla style. As for interesting things, you can find a new mob inside – Corpora. They look almost similar to Withers but carry axes instead of swords and drop trivial bones.

Armor and Artifacts

The mod adds one new Armor – the Gilded Netherite armor. It looks exactly the same as the standard vanilla patterned armor from version 1.20 and later; it’s as strong as the ordinary Netherite armor and is crafted by overlapping Netherite armor over the Gold one on a blacksmith’s table.

As for the artifacts, you can get the following items from in chests, knock out of mobs or just find in Piglin Manors:

Broken LP. Plays a rather interesting melody.

Netherite Bell. Works like a vanilla bell, but on Piglins only.

Netherite Shield. The same as the vanilla shield. Protects from arrows.

Distorted End Pearls. Has two differences from the regular one – it can’t be transformed with the Ifrit powder, and it not only brings the player to the right place, but also takes care of their safety when teleporting, by imposing temporary Smooth Fall and Absorption 2 effects.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Bygone Nether (Fabric)

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2, 1.18.2
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bygonenether-1.20-1.3.2 27.09.2023 fabric R 7 MB 1.20.1 942 Download
bygonenether-1.19-1.3.2 27.09.2023 fabric R 7 MB 1.19.2 334 Download
bygonenether-1.18-1.3.2 24.09.2023 fabric R 7 MB 1.18.2 60 Download
bygonenether-1.20-1.3.2 24.09.2023 fabric R 7 MB 1.20.1 6 Download
bygonenether-1.19-1.3.2 24.09.2023 fabric R 7 MB 1.19.2 1 Download
bygonenether-1.19-1.2.2 25.02.2023 fabric R 8 MB 1.19.2 218 Download
bygonenether-1.18-1.2.2 25.02.2023 fabric R 8 MB 1.18.2 48 Download
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