There are several bosses in the Minecraft game world (Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither), and all the rest are ordinary mobs that you often have to face. However after a while, any player wants to try something new, diversify the game world, add some strong bosses to fight them, as well as gather friends and clans to help, right? And here you’ll need to install third-party mods that add different bosses to Minecraft. One of these is Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses, which is an extremely popular and high-quality add-on that has been downloaded from the mod creators’ website more than 8.5 million times.
In this review, we’ll tell you about the features of Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses, about the bosses added to the Minecraft game, and the reasons why you need to choose this mod for your build. In fact, there are very high-quality and interesting bosses here, as you need to choose not only by appearance (it’s really primitive, since all creatures look like their vanilla versions), but by certain characteristics, behavior, and loot as well. Even if some add-on offers a lot of new mobs, but the developer hasn’t elaborate their behavior, it’s still a «subpar» product. You can’t say that about the Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses mod, which is why we chose this add-on for a full review.
Now, different types of dungeons and dimensions will contain even more bosses in Minecraft, as the Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses mod adds as many as 29 new creatures. That’s a lot, and you’ll have to spend a lot of time studying each mob to figure out the right way to attack the boss, the place where it lives, the tactics it uses to defend itself, and its features, loot, and other equally important details. The only thing you need to know about before installing Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses: almost all the introduced bosses are similar to their prototypes. For example, you’ll see our old friends golems, Blazes, witches, and spiders, but now they will have additional capabilities.
Almost all bosses from this add-on have customizable characteristics and parameters, so you can fine-tune each of them if you want and see what exactly will change, how it affects the behavior of the creature. Besides, you can also change the mining, which is especially important for large Minecraft game projects. If you have your own server and want to add customizable bosses, the Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses mod can cope with almost any task: to attract more players to the project, make vanilla survival more diverse, and give the opportunity to collect additional loot. For the new versions of the mod to work correctly, you also need to install Cupboard.
Another important advantage of the Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses mod is the opportunity to add mobs from other add-ons and fine-tune loot. That is, you can easily take a creature from third-party mods and customize everything: parameters, characteristics, loot, and weapons. This is a really great tool for any player and project administrator, which allows you to transform the vanilla world in a couple of actions and add more creatures and variety to the gameplay. That is why Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses is downloaded millions of times by the users, as it offers importnt and convenient functions.
Here, familiar mobs are used as bosses; however, they have different characteristics. For example, it can be a standard Shulker with better parameters, or a huge rabbit that can do a lot of damage, a witch with new defense and attack potions, Ghasts that kill with one fireball shot, and many other options. This mod has several commands that allow you to test all added mobs by default:
· /brutalbosses spawnboss all – add all the bosses to the game at once. That is, they will immediately spawn in one location, no matter which dimension you choose. You can see who is being added, and how the mobs behave. But during the daytime, some of the creatures will burn, and the rest will fight with each other;
· /brutalbosses spawnboss random – the system will provide you with a random boss from the available options. If you have added your own creatures, they can also be selected randomly;
· /brutalbosses spawnboss name – create a new boss option in Minecraft. It works with both the vanilla version of Minecraft and other add-ons.
As for now, the Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses mod supports a huge number of third-party add-ons that add bosses to the game world. You’ll be able to change their parameters, loot, certain characteristics and behavior, but the appearance will remain the same as the developers created it. In general, we can say that the capabilities of Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses are impressive, as it’s a useful tool for fine-tuning bosses from various add-ons in Minecraft. Now, any player can create cool servers and fight powerful creatures.
We should also mention that Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses is compatible with almost any structure from the list of the most popular creature-adding mods in Minecraft. The system supports containers and chests, which can also be edited. But even the standard functions are enough to appreciate all the advantages and capabilities of this tool. If you see a boss that looks like a real prototype of a regular mob in Minecraft, take a close look at the notifications that appear on the screen. Each boss will have a separate health bar, which applies to almost all creatures added to Brutal Bosses – Custom Bosses!
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