A mod called Better Animal Plus adds many new animals to the interactive world, thereby diversifying the in-game fauna. Besides, they will drop new items after death.
In the swamps, you will find a new plant called trillium. It can be of two colors, yellow and pink, and serves only as a decoration.
Besides the animals, the mod adds several decorative blocks to the game, which include the Hand of Fate and the heads of various animals, which they drop with some probability.
The mod adds three categories of mobs: passive, neutral, and hostile.
The passive mobs include:
They are most often found in the forest biomes and can be of two colors — brown and albino. Besides, they differ in terms of antlers: some of them have a smaller set of antlers, others have a larger one, and there are also deer with a branching set of antlers. The deer run away if the player is closer than 20 meters from them. They can be bred using wheat or carrots. Besides, the deer follow any player holding an apple, golden apple, carrot, or golden carrot. They drop antlers and raw venison after death.
They can be found in the snowy taiga, tundra, and snowy mountains. They can be of four different colors: brown with a pale brown neck, brown with a pale brown head, neck, chest, and legs, pale brown with a brown face, back, and legs, and completely pale brown. Reindeer can be ridden without prior taming. But you can also tame them with the help of wheat or carrots.
The squirrels are found in the forests, taiga, and snowy taiga and come in three colors: reddish-brown, gray with a brown stripe, and gray with a brown-dotted tail. They can be tamed using the wheat seeds.
The pheasants come in two color variants: reddish-brown with a green head and light brown. They sometimes lower their heads to peck at the ground. When falling, they flap their wings to slow down the process like the vanilla chickens. The pheasants can be bred using the pumpkin seeds. They are mostly found in the plains, forests, taiga, snowy taiga, birch forests, dark forests, and savannas.
The songbirds can be found in the plains, forests, taiga, and snowy taiga. They come in two types: the first type is a larger songbird with a longer head and wings, and the second type is smaller and has a shorter head and wings. Their color is also different. When moving, they slowly fly at the height of 1–2 blocks. The songbirds can be bred using seeds of any kind.
The nautili live in the seas and oceans and have a white color with a brown underside, red, pink, and orange stripes on its shell, and a pale brown hood. The nautilus can be caught with a water bucket, but it cannot live on land and will die there after some time.
The neutral mobs include:
The goats can be found mostly on the plains and come in seven different colors. These animals can be tamed using wheat, beetroots, or carrots but are bred only with the help of wheat.
The coyotes usually inhabit the plains, deserts, and savannas and have a light brown color. Their eye are black during the day, but at night, they turn orange and begin to brightly glow, so you will immediately notice them. During the day, the coyotes are not dangerous unless you hit them, but at night, they will attack you first.
The black bears live in the forests and taiga. They have a dark brown color with a black belly and legs, as well as black spots on the back. Sometimes, you can also encounter a unique bear: it is white, with a pale yellow underbelly and legs, as well as with pale yellow spots on the back. The black bears, unlike the brown ones, will not attack players if they do not hurt or bother them. If they are provoked, they start running very fast and can inflict six damage with one blow.
The jellyfish are found in the oceans and can be of six different colors: dark blue, grayish, pink, purple with red spots, greenish-yellow with white spots, and purple-brown with a violet crown. If you hit the jellyfish, it will inflict two damage points and impose the Poison effect for nine seconds and the Blindness III effect for four seconds. However, it cannot live on land and will die there within a few seconds.
The geese live in the forest biomes on river banks. They come in three colors: the brown goose with the black head, eyes, beak, legs, and wing tips, as well as white underside and markings under the eyes; the gray goose with the light gray head and wings, black eyes, orange beak and legs, and white underside; the white goose with blue eyes and orange beak and legs. If you hit them, they will inflict three damage points. The geese can pick up items and benefit from them. Thus, if they pick up a sword, their attack strength will increase. If they find food, they will eat it. The geese lay eggs from which a gosling can hatch with a certain probability.
The walruses live in winter biomes near the ocean. All of them have the same color, namely brown, with a darker underside, black eyes, reddish-brown whiskers, and pale yellow tusks. Unlike other aquatic species, the walruses will not always be in the water but periodically on land. They inflict four damage points.
The hostile mobs include:
You can find the boars in the forests, taiga, snowy taiga, or savannas. They come in several colors: brown, dark brown, and white. The boar inflicts 3.5 damage. They can be tamed using carrots, but they can also breed naturally. If two boars come across a berry bush or kill an animal, they will eat and begin to reproduce.
The feral wolves are found in the taiga, forests, and snowy taiga. There can have six colors: white, light gray with a brown underside, black, white with a pale brown snout, brown, and reddish-brown. They can run fast and deal five damage points. The feral wolf can be tamed. If the player has the dragon head or hirschgeist skull on their head, the wolf can be tamed with the help of bones.
Brown bears live in the forest biomes. They have a brown color with a darker brown underbelly and legs, as well as darker brown spots on the back. The brown bear inflicts six damage points. Having found berry bushes, they will eat them.
The sharks can be found in the oceans. They come in four colors: dark gray with gray stripes, gray with white fin tips, blue, and brown-gray with purple eyes and short fins. You can encounter five types of sharks: blue shark, tiger shark, oceanic whitetip shark, bull shark, and Greenland shark.
The moose can be seen in the forests, swamps, and taiga. They can have two colors, brown and white, and are hostile toward players. The moose inflicts 4.5 damage. Once in the water, they begin to sink.
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