Automobility for Minecraft

  • Author: foundationgames
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 27.06.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Automobility


A mod that adds cars to Minecraft. A whole variety of cars: for driving fast and harvesting, funny and sports – it’s up to you to decide what your supercar will be like today.

Car Assembly

The range of classic cars isn’t actually very broad and consists of only seven models with a few colors available for each of them. But there is a small detail – you’ll have to craft a car to your taste yourself in the survival mode. Be careful while driving! The cars’ speed can be rather high for the game and even suitable for races.

Start with crafting a special Motorist’s table, where you’ll assemble new parts for your iron horse.

Next, click on it and you’ll see a menu with a variety of available car bodies, tires, engines, as well as such additional parts as a cultivator, a stroller, or a trailer with a box (the trailers’ box and workbench are absolutely functional). Moreover, you won’t have to memorize every item for the craft – there is a full-fledged encyclopedia of all the items you may need for the craft next to the assembly window. For example, click on the car body you like and in the bottom line, where you’ll need to drag the items, you’ll see a comprehensive list of what you’ll need.

Craft all the necessary parts: the body, as many as four wheels, and an engine. In addition, you can assemble a trailer for your car if you want, with any required characteristics. And then go back to your usual workbench.

Now, you need to craft a Repair table to get your own car. Place it so that you have convenient access to every side of the car you assemble.

After that, place on the Repair table the body first, then sequentially the engine and wheels. If you’ve done everything right, the table will slightly incline for the car to conveniently reach the surface. Get behind the wheel and start for adventure. Or hitch any trailer you want on to your car and only then start travelling.

When assembling the car, you have a wide range of combinations of available bodies, wheels, and engines. The mod doesn’t limit the «mechanic’s», imagination, so you can do anything you want with the car of your dream: either a classic assembly, or your own model.

Other blocks

The mod is very friendly to various racing maps and competitions. Not only it allows you to craft your own unique car, but also create a suitable track for competing with your friends on the server. For this, the mod adds a number of special items.

Jumping Platform. A block that creates a smooth but high obstacle between the vanilla square blocks. Indeed, cars can overcome square blocks as well, but they significantly lose their speed, which can become a problem for races and competitions, so it’s recommended placing these platforms in uneven terrain. You can also use the platforms to make jump-ramps.

Off-road Road Bed. Special blocks that make it possible to create different high obstacles on the track.

Launch Gel. Use the gel to create an obstacle consisting of a very slippery coating for your track.


Glowing Panel. Install the panels at the start, finish, and the sharpest turns, or show the driving direction with these panels.

This element has no dependencies.

Download Automobility

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.2, 1.18.2
Game versions
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Show only last mod versions
automobility-0.4.2+1.20.1-fabric 28.06.2023 fabric, quilt B 1 MB 1.20.1, 1.20 5 k Download
automobility-0.4.2+1.20.1-forge 28.06.2023 forge B 1 MB 1.20.1, 1.20 57 k Download
automobility-0.4.2+1.19.2-fabric 27.06.2023 fabric, quilt B 1 MB 1.19.2 1 k Download
automobility-0.4.2+1.19.2-forge 27.06.2023 forge B 1 MB 1.19.2 21 k Download
automobility-0.4.1+1.19.2-fabric 24.11.2022 fabric B 1 MB 1.19.2 705 Download
automobility-0.4.1+1.19.2-forge 24.11.2022 forge B 1 MB 1.19.2 5 k Download
automobility-0.4+1.19.2-fabric 24.11.2022 fabric B 1 MB 1.19.2 106 Download
automobility-0.4+1.19.2-forge 24.11.2022 forge B 1 MB 1.19.2 1 k Download
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guys this mod i good
неплохой мод, и неплохая замена valkyrien skiyes, если валькирия не запускаеться.
1.16.5 forge update pls
добавте ещё наклейки чтобы копскую тачку зделать ну и на танки налепить буду и этому блогодарен
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кароч добавте машинак сюда с крышами и зделайте так чтобы можно было их раскрасить как хочеж добавте мигалок и добавте танки и военные джипы гантраки добавте колёс моторов и монстр таков буду очень вам блогодарен