Dream of a really powerful, puncture-proof God’s armor in Minecraft? Tired of fighting the Ravagers and the Pillager army all alone and wearing a naked armor? The mod offers a simple and graceful solution to this problem by complementing the game with very powerful Exoskeletons that no opponent can beat.
There are totally four exoskeletons, which have rather significant differences both in crafting recipes and in power. The simplest – is the Iron one. It has its own health level of 50 hearts and its own, quite powerful, armor. The most complicated – is the Netherite one, whose health reaches 300 hearts.
To craft the exoskeletons, you’ll need a new item – the Conveyor. Like the exoskeletons, they come in three types – the Iron, Gold, and Netherite ones. The recipes of the former two are identical; all you need is to replace iron with gold. But the Netherite conveyor is crafted on the blacksmith’s table after merging the gold conveyor and the Netherite ingot.
The player can sit into any exoskeleton and go out to destroy enemies. When wearing the exoskeleton, you can move just the same way as in the world – move ahead, jump, and you can speed yourself up by holding CTRL. But you’ll need to press the J button from time to time if you want to attack in the exoskeleton.
You can repair the exoskeleton after hostile mobs’ attacks just the same way as you do with Golems – just click on it with the iron, gold or Netherite ingots.
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armored_redstone-1.19.2-0.1.0 | 02.10.2022 | forge | B | 101 KB | 1.19.2 | 666 | Download |
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