We have already uploaded different types of mods that add new lantern options to Minecraft. Indeed, the vanilla content is too scarce, and the ordinary torch or yellow lantern is not particularly suitable for decorative design. However, there are more functional mods for Minecraft that change their functions and gameplay. Thus, an add-on called Arcane Lanterns adds new functions for each lantern type. They will accelerate the growth of crops, make mobs fall in love, and illuminate the area around them. The applications are numerous, and a specific lantern will have a particular function.
In total, the mod adds ten lantern types, along with a stand for them. They are both eye-pleasing and perfect lighting sources, not to mention their unique functions. They feature a cool animation of levitation, a huge potential, and pleasant textures. Are you ready to read a detailed review? If so, let us continue.
Each lantern is a special item with a certain function. You can use them as a simple lighting source, and each option is good in its own way, but the Arcane Lanterns mod has a slightly different focus.
The main item of the mod is the Lantern Maker. It allows items to levitate, as shown in the screenshots, and adds a nice animation. So it is not only a multi-purpose item but also an excellent element for obtaining additional functions in the game. It will allow you to craft ten lantern types, each with unique features. We have described them all.
The Life Lantern will accelerate the growth of all the in-game crops. Eggs, golden apples, sugar cane, and bone meal can be used as a catalyst. Just click the RMB on the Lantern Maker, and all these items will fly around, causing particular effects.
The Feral Lantern illuminates a large area in the game and emits beautiful sparks. As soon as the area is fully illuminated and you see a lot of sparks, the lantern automatically disappears.
The Love Lantern makes all the mobs around all in love when you activate it. Golden carrots, beetroots, a honey bottle, and diamonds can used as a catalyst.
The Cloud Lantern will impose the Slow Falling effect within its radius, so you will be able to safely descend or create unique mob farms in Minecraft. Phantom membranes, snow blocks, white wool, and other items can be used as a catalyst, as you can see in the screenshots.
The Wailing Lantern will impose the Nausea effect and scream, creating not particularly pleasant sounds when you approach it. Ghast tears, flint, and ink bags are used as catalysts.
The Boreal Lantern is one of the most useful items in the Arcane Lanterns mod, which will slow down players and mobs approaching it. If a mob is burning, the system will automatically extinguish it. Cobwebs, quartz, snowballs, and ice are used as catalysts.
The Warding Lantern is an excellent defense option in Minecraft, which will scare away and repel all mobs except players. To make it work, you will need to use a catalyst, which can be a puffer fish, iron door, or obsidian.
The Brilliant Lantern is another unique feature of the Arcane Lanterns mod, as with this item, you will be able to turn animals and mobs into an experience if they come close. So you will not have to kill mobs or create farms anymore. Paper, shulker shells, and phantom membranes, which you have surely gathered during your survival, are used as a catalyst.
The Containment Lantern keeps all the in-game creatures except players in a limited area. As a catalyst, you can use a fishing rod, chains, or the Warding Lantern.
The Withering Lantern will constantly impose the Wither effect. Toses, soul sand, and coal can serve as catalysts.
Almost all of the above lanterns for Minecraft will not only give some effects but also emit light. As you can see, each of them will require a catalyst that supports its functioning. The latter hover around the Lantern Maker — a special block on which a lantern is installed. We have taken screenshots from the JEI mod so that you can understand what ingredients are necessary for the operation of a particular in-game lantern. Here, each player decides which one to use for themselves.
The Arcane Lanterns mod allows one not only to protect a base or automatically collect some resources but also implements unique effects, which are themselves a reason to download it and use it in your build. Just look at how cool the catalysts hover over the Lantern Maker and how nice that looks in the vanilla environment of Minecraft. The best part is that most of the above catalysts are frequently found and are, for the most part, already in your chests after your numerous journeys across the End, the Nether, and different biomes. We are looking forward to your feedback on this add-on, along with your wishes regarding reviews of the mods of this category.
ArcaneLanterns-v21.4.0-1.21.4-NeoForge | 09.02.2025 | neoForge | R | 172 KB | 1.21.4 | 6 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v21.4.0-1.21.4-Fabric | 09.02.2025 | fabric | R | 167 KB | 1.21.4 | 13 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v21.3.0-1.21.3-NeoForge | 12.01.2025 | neoForge | R | 170 KB | 1.21.3 | 0 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v21.3.0-1.21.3-Fabric | 12.01.2025 | fabric | R | 165 KB | 1.21.3 | 10 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v21.1.0-1.21.1-NeoForge | 28.09.2024 | neoForge | R | 163 KB | 1.21.1 | 22 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v21.1.0-1.21.1-Fabric | 28.09.2024 | fabric | R | 160 KB | 1.21.1 | 19 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v20.4.1-1.20.4-NeoForge | 10.02.2024 | neoForge | R | 166 KB | 1.20.4 | 19 | Download |
ArcaneLanterns-v20.4.1-1.20.4-Forge | 10.02.2024 | forge | R | 166 KB | 1.20.4 | 51 | Download |
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