ANOTHER FURNITURE is a small mod that adds functional furniture in the vanilla Minecraft style to the game.
The first innovation is eight different chairs. You will not have to use steps as a chair anymore, as you will now be able to use a full-fledged functional chair. You can sit on the new chairs: just click the RMB on a chair to sit down and press the Shift button to get out.
Another innovation that will perfectly complement the chairs is the table. The tables also come in eight different types, like the chairs. If you place two tables next to each other, they will combine into one object, which looks amazing. They can be combined at any point, so you can thus create a table of any shape. Moreover, they do not necessarily have to be of the same material. The tables, like the chairs, will turn in the direction the player is looking, and this will allow you can create unique patterns.
But even if that is not enough for you to decorate your interiors, the mod also adds special decorative shelves to the game, which come in the same eight varieties. They are similar to the above items both in terms of crafting and functionality. Thus, when you install the shelves, they will connect to each other. By clicking the RMB and holding any object in your hand, you will put it on a shelf. To pick the item from the shelf, just click the RMB again. Four different items can be placed on a shelf at once, be they single ones or 64x stacks. If you break the shelf, all its contents will drop. But if you try to put some decoration on it, say, a pot, nothing will work — the pot will be placed in the form of a block. However, if you put the pot on a block just above the shelf, it will be placed as an object, not as a block.
Besides the main purpose, the shelves can be used as decorative supports or a beautiful desktop.
If you want to close your windows, be sure to use the new shutters. They do not require a solid block under them, so they can be installed at any height on a wall. By default, the shutters are in the form of one solid block, but they can be combined in the same way as the tables, thereby becoming large shutters. However, they cannot be connected horizontally but only vertically. Accordingly, the shutters can be used not only to close windows but also to create unique huge doors.
Like all the above wooden decorations, the shutters come in eight varieties.
However, shutters are not the only option for window decoration, as there is an alternative in the form of nice curtains. They are created from the wool of any color and two sticks and can also be dyed, as they are white by default. When placed, they will begin to slightly sway like an ordinary banner. By clicking the RMB, you can open and close them. If you place two curtains next to each other, they will connect and become one. Unfortunately, the curtains cannot be connected vertically, so it will not be possible to create huge windows with curtains. They come in fifteen varieties.
Exactly the same number of types has another new item — the stool. The stools are crafted in a very simple way — from sticks, planks, and wool of a certain kind. There is nothing remarkable about them except for the color and the possibility of sitting on them. Besides, falling on a soft stool from a great height will be less painful than on the ground, and you will even be thrown up a bit, like on a trampoline.
The service bell is another decorative item added by this mod. Click the RMB on the bell to produce a characteristic sound. All this will be accompanied by a beautiful animation, but, unfortunately, the bell has no other application.
The last innovation added by the mod is the planter box. It is crafted in a very simple way — nothing rare and expensive will be required, just planks and dirt. You can connect the boxes together, thereby creating long boxes. However, they can only be combined into a line. You can put the planter boxes not only on the ground but also on a wall. In the latter case, they will acquire a special mount. These boxes are not only decorative items but also very functional, as several plants can be planted in them at once, including even bamboo.
another_furniture-neoforge-4.0.0 | 27.10.2024 | neoForge | R | 2 MB | 1.21.1 | 389 | Download |
another_furniture-fabric-4.0.0 | 27.10.2024 | fabric | R | 2 MB | 1.21.1 | 439 | Download |
another_furniture-fabric-1.20.1-3.0.1 | 24.10.2023 | fabric | B | 2 MB | 1.20.1 | 6 k | Download |
another_furniture-forge-1.20.1-3.0.1 | 24.10.2023 | forge | R | 2 MB | 1.20.1 | 44 k | Download |
another_furniture-fabric-1.20.1-3.0.0 | 23.10.2023 | fabric | B | 2 MB | 1.20.1 | 65 | Download |
another_furniture-forge-1.20.1-3.0.0 | 23.10.2023 | forge | R | 2 MB | 1.20.1 | 197 | Download |
another_furniture-fabric-1.19.2-2.1.4 | 01.08.2023 | fabric | B | 1 MB | 1.19.2 | 1 k | Download |
another_furniture-forge-1.19.2-2.1.4 | 01.08.2023 | forge | R | 2 MB | 1.19.2 | 16 k | Download |
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