There are plenty of different mobs in Minecraft with their specific look, loot, drop probability, and behavior, and one of the most outstanding representatives is the Wither Skeleton or, as it’s also called, the Wither. It’s one of the Minecraft bosses, which you’ll often have to fight to get a unique drop. The problem is that this creature requires a skull to summon, but such an «artifact» is not so easy to get, considering the chance of the Wither Skeletons to drop their head in the game.
In this article, we’ll tell you about the Always a Wither Skull mod, which will increase the chance of getting drop from skeletons in the Nether World to obtain more trophies for summoning Withers. The developer of this add-on has added a small but very important function to Minecraft, which allows you to significantly change the approach to the gameplay and create unique farms that will bring you a huge amount of loot. At the same time, the add-on has a few important configuration points, which allows each player or server owner to choose different configurations complying with their criteria.
Are you ready to slightly «spice up» vanilla Minecraft? Then, the Always a Wither Skull mod is a must-install, because from now on, every Wither skeleton in the Nether will have a 100% chance of dropping a skull in the cubic world. You’ll need it to summon a Wither (boss), which drops a «Nether Star» with a certain probability. Which, in turn, allows you to create lighthouses that you need for a certain upgrade in the game. Accordingly, this entire stage gives you a great «boost» in the game, since all resources and mechanics are interconnected by default in the game.
Whenever a player descends to the Nether and kills Wither skeletons there, they’ll automatically drop a skull. Such mechanics allows you to collect loot quickly, which you’ll need in the future to summon Withers (bosses). As a result, the farm-creating process will significantly change for these mobs in Minecraft, because now the player will get all the necessary loot with a 100% probability. As can see, the Always a Wither Skull add-on can be considered a bit of a «cheating» one, and of course, administrators won’t install it on many servers.
But if you are the owner of the Minecraft game project and want to please your players with a unique and interesting gameplay, which is slightly different from the vanilla version of the game, then you can try installing Always a With Skull and add these elements. In the future, almost every player will be able to build lighthouses and dig resources faster, increasing productivity tenfold. In general, the features of this mod offer a unique gameplay not only for server players, but for the regular survival mode as well, for example, between a small team of players.
If you play in local modes and maps and at the same time want to retain the most part of vanilla Minecraft style of play, then Always a Wither Skull is a pretty suitable option: you’ll still have to look for mobs and kill them, but you’ll use the skulls you’ve got to summon Withers in the future. And these bosses usually drop Stars with a certain probability, so there is no way the balance of resources is disrupted. These are the key features of the mod, which you should definitely be aware of before using such add-ons.
The mod is developed by a popular developer called Serilum that adds a large number of parameters to almost all the add-ons so that each player can customize the appearance, configuration, and some other important points. We can recommend you a few more mods by the same author that everyone should have in their builds:
· All Loot Drops – all mobs drop all the possible loot at once. That is, their drop is available to you with 100% probability right away, which makes it much easier and faster to build farms;
· Automatic Doors – automatic doors in Minecraft that will open in front of the owner;
· Bottle Your Xp – you can put all the experience in a bottle and store it in certain boxes or give it to other players. A very convenient option that allows you to save game experience without being afraid that the character will die somewhere.
In general, we can say that the Always a Wither Skull mod is an incredibly useful add-on to the game of Minecraft, which allows you to quickly loot the skeletons’ skulls and summon Withers at any time in Minecraft to then collect additional loot. This is not only convenient, but incredibly fast as well even for a beginner or, for example, for those who’ve have logged into a map and want to get a Nether Star to create lighthouses. Also be sure to add the above-mentioned mods to your build, as they are extremely useful and important for most Minecraft users.
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