AlternaCraft is a mod based on the Jurassic World setting that will add a large number of different dinosaurs, blocks, and tools to the game.
The main and most important innovation of the mod is dinosaurs. It adds more than 25 types thereof to the game, which differ not only in appearance and size but also in behavior.
The first of them is spinosaurus. It is very aggressive and will attack almost any mob except for the player, provided the latter does not hit it. When a spinosaurus has nothing to do, it lies down on the ground and sleeps with its mouth slightly open. It has 100 health points but drops only some experience after death. This type comes in several colors.
Malusaurus is much smaller than the above dinosaur but no less dangerous. it will hunt everyone, including other dinosaurs. Despite its relatively small size, it also has 100 health points. During the battle, a malusaurus will make loud noises that can frighten the attacker. Just like the previously described dinosaur, it sometimes lies down on the ground to sleep.
Indominus rex is among the largest and most well-known dinosaurs of this mod. Despite its size, it can boast 100 health points. This dinosaur is aggressive to each and every one. After death, it drops a certain amount of experience.
Indoraptor is a relatively small dinosaur that also has 100 health points. It comes in two varieties: white with a blue stripe and black with an orange stripe. After death, it drops only a certain amount of experience.
Scorpios rex is a small dinosaur that can have a dark, dark red, and dark beige appearance. It has 100 health points but drops nothing but experience after death.
Nanosaurus is a dinosaur that, unfortunately, does not adequate to either its name or its counterpart from the movie because it has a very large size and a pretty slow movement speed. It has only one color: beige skin with protruding bones from the neck. It also has 100 health points.
The next dinosaur from the Jurassic World universe is acrocanthosaurus. Being one of the biggest in the mod, it also has 100 health points. After death, it drops only a certain amount of experience. It is aggressive to each and every mob and comes in three colors: light beige, dark beige, and bluish beige.
The next dinosaur to consider is baryonyx. It also has 100 health points but is very small. It is aggressive to everyone and drops only some experience after death. It can have only one gray-blue color.
It is a large dinosaur with 100 health points that can be of two colors: brown and light brown.
The mod also brings a huge number of ore types to the game. As many as 33 new ores have been added:
1. Amber ore;
2. Fossil ore;
3. Painite ore;
4. Titanium ore;
5. Mudstone titanium ore;
6. Mudstone coal ore;
7. Mudstone gold ore;
8. Mudstone diamond ore;
9. Mudstone copper ore;
10. Mudstone painite ore;
11. Mudstone emerald ore;
12. Shale copper ore;
13. Shale diamond ore;
14. Shale gold ore;
15. Shale painite ore;
16. Shale coal ore;
17. Shale iron ore;
18. Shale redstone ore;
19. Shale lapis ore;
20. Shale emerald ore;
21. Shale titanium ore;
22. Deepslate titanium ore;
23. Deepslate painite ore;
24. Slitstone diamond ore;
25. Slitstone gold ore;
26. Slitstone painite ore;
27. Slitstone coal ore;
28. Slitstone iron ore;
29. Slitstone redstone ore;
30. Slitstone lapis ore;
31. Slitstone emerald ore;
32. Slitstone titanium ore;
33. Slitstone copper ore.
alternacraft-1.18.2-PART 1 | 18.06.2023 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.18.2 | 3 k | Download |
1.18.2-Part-1-Patch-1 | 23.04.2023 | forge | R | 7 MB | 1.18.2 | 476 | Download |
alternacraft-1.19.3-Part-1 | 22.01.2023 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.3 | 4 k | Download |
alternacraft-1.18.2-PART 1 | 22.01.2023 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.18.2 | 963 | Download |
alternacraft-1.18.2-PART 1 | 21.01.2023 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.18.2 | 70 | Download |
alternacraft-1.19.2-Part-1-Release-1-Hotfix | 05.11.2022 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.2 | 5 k | Download |
alternacraft-1.19.2-Part-1-Release-1 | 02.11.2022 | forge | R | 13 MB | 1.19.2 | 2 k | Download |
alternacraft-1.19.2-DEV-2 | 27.10.2022 | forge | B | 13 MB | 1.19.2 | 179 | Download |
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