Aardvarks Weird Zoology! for Minecraft

  • Author: spaceaardvark42
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 21.09.2024
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Aardvarks Weird Zoology!

All of the mobs in the mod!

With 60+ unique creatures, Aardvarks Weird Zoology is not your standard animal mod. Rather than add in a few mostly decorative animals that other mods have done, I wanted to reimagine what an animal mod could be. Each animal added in is a weird animal from our own world. And each one comes with it's own unique gameplay. From finding rare ores with cuttlefish, to pollinating plants with hoverflies, to building kudzu farms with serows, even just to stay warm with Markhors, there's a lot to explore and experiment with!

It's also well suited for a skyblock experience. While exploration is key, you don't need to spend hours searching for a rare biome just for one item. the DNA of ALL animals can be found by excavating fossils in the ground, and can be used to clone your own. On top of this, you can also explore the life of the past. There are a handful of extinct species in the mod that can only be found this way.

One unique aspect of Aardvark's Weird Zoology is the Joyizers. These machines allow you to turn nearby animal joy into a set resource, giving you a reason to build a zoo, and as you expand exhibits, you'll gain the amount of resources you make. Which animals' joy makes what resources, and what blocks will raise an animal's joy is all documented in the mod's JEI support!

There's also a full guide and documentation for everything in the mod! It's still a work in progress, but all core information is there! Again, each creature has at least one unique function and behaviors, and they all have unique animations, multiple colors, and the works! 

And I haven't just focused on animals either. There's five new crops. 

Chickpeas, which will add nitrogen to your soil, making it grow plants faster for a short time.

Onions, which attract hoverflies for your crops.

Kudzu, which is a good food source, but can quickly grow out of control if you let it. 

Full list of every creature currently in the mod!:

1. Tully Monster

2. Mouse Lemur

3. Goblin Shark

4. Parasitic Jaeger

5. Puffin

6. Markhor

7. Killdeer

8. Angelfish

9. Winghead Shark

10. Serow

11. Cowfish

12. Hoverfly

13. Yohoia

14. Longisquama

15. Megalonyx

16. Cuttlefish

17. Celophysis

18. Minmi

19. Vampire Squid

20. Turaco

21. Tarentula

22. Newt

23. Lamprey

24. Sturgeon

25. Mothra

26. Echidna

27. Mini Donkey

28. Synthoceras

29. Gargoyle Gecko

30. Uintatherium

31. Velvet Worm

32. Hoopoe

33. Batfish

34. Dahu

35. Chamois

36. Shrike

37. Port Jackson Shark

38. Blanket Octopus

39. Saniwa

40. Camponile

41. Annakacygna

42. Jerboa

43. Aardvark

44. Calvinosaurus

45. Europasaurus

46. Bajadasaurus

47. Hurdia

48. Sewer Boys

49. Bantha

50. Peccary

51. Cronopio

52. Takin

53. Banana Slug

54. Antlion

55. Timber Rattlesnake

56. Weedy Sea Dragon

57. Umbrella Eel

58. Kuhli Loach

59. Chalicotherium

60. Gigan

61. Guitarfish

62. Box Crab

 New in 1.7.1 -

64. Giant Eland

65. Okapi

66. Marbled Crayfish

67. Fox Squirrel

68. Brown Anole

69. Coconut Crab

70. Howard the Duck

New in 1.8 - 

71. Antlion

72. Tsintaosaurus

73. Common Moorhen

74. Red River Hog

75. Shamir

76. Unicornfish

77. Tusoteuthis

78. Ebirah

79. Dimorphodon

80. Psittocosaurus

81. Palaeophis

82. Erlikosaurus

83. Lyrarapax

- New in 1.9 - 

84. Bearded Dragon

85. Ghostfish

86. Sea Pangolin

87. Reindeer

88. King Vulture

89. Horseshoe Crab

90. Cornsnake

91. Baragon

92. Hedorah

- New in 1.10 - 

93. Ambelodon


1. Does this mod have a config?

Yes it does! I recommend using a mod like "configured"  for ease of using it, but there's a lot of stuff you can play with there!

2.  I'm having an issue with the mod!

If you're having a problem with the mod, let me know in the comments! Let me know which version you're using, and what other mods you have(sometimes very rarely stuff can conflict).

3. I'm stuck on day one!

The mod's joyizers work around resetting at the start of each day, so there's a script that sets the day to "0" at the start of each morning. This doesn't affect much in vanilla minecraft, but can cause a handful of horror mods to not work correctly (ex. if the mod has an event on day 3). You can turn this off in the config though!

4. What mods is compatible with?

 There's not a lot it conflicts with, but I highly highly recommend JEI - there's custom menus in there that will make your life much easier!

5. Does this mod have a wiki?

I like to focus more on in-game documentation (I'm not big into the idea of needing to pull up a tab), so there's information via JEI, and the guide, (the guide is still a work in progress). I've also made a few tutorials on my youtube channel. But if you have any other questions, please let me know! It can be helpful to know what I should focus on explaining better!

6. Can you add in X,Y, or Z?

As much as I'd love to add in a million creatures, I don't want to make any promises if I'm not sure I can keep them. However, If there's a lot of interest in a creature, I'd definitely love to add it in! I love getting suggestions! So please comment what creatures you'd want me to add in, just know that I may not be able to make all of them. 

7. The guide is empty!

The creature guide is designed to start empty and is filled in by exploring the world with the investigator - sort of like the pokedex! You can make it start full in the config, or by going into creative mode. 

8. Can I make dinosaurs spawn in the overworld?

By default dinosaurs and other extinct creatures won't spawn in naturally, and can only be cloned back, but you can change this in the settings!

9. Does this mod add in any hostile mobs?

While some mobs, especially the bigger hoofed ones, will attack you if you hurt them, there are no naturally spawning hostile mobs in this mod. 

10. What do pillows do?/Why did my fried egg give me an effect?

Each bird in the mod has a unique feather and unique egg, which also give effects. Pillows are an item made from bird feathers that give you a certain effect when you wake up holding it in your hand. Fried eggs (which are not found in the creative menu) give you an effect when eaten- which is different for each bird.

11. How do I clone animals?

You can find animal fossils all across the world! Simply put them in a DNAizer, which will turn them into DNA! Then, you can craft 4 of that animal's DNA into a spawn egg!


This mod is still a work in progress, but I'd love the help of the community in shaping the future of this mod! Please let me know what you think! 

Images Aardvarks Weird Zoology!

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Download Aardvarks Weird Zoology!

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.19.2
Game versions
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aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.7 - Small DNA 22.09.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.20.1 114 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.5 - Big and Small 10.08.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.42 - The Just Enough Update 27.07.2024 forge B 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.5 - The Just Enough Update beta 03.07.2024 forge B 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.4 - The Just Enough Update 28.06.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.3 - Spring Clean 22.06.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.2 - Spring Clean 20.06.2024 forge R 9 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
aardvarksweirdzoology-1.10.1 - Spring Clean 19.06.2024 forge R 8 MB 1.20.1 0 Download
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