Spryzeen's zombie variants for Minecraft

  • Author: ijackzr
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 17.09.2022
  • Last version 1.19.2

Review Spryzeen's zombie variants

Every night in Minecraft constitutes a challenge because you have to face zombies and destroy them at this time of the day. And if you are on an open terrain without a single building, you will literally be surrounded by hostile creatures from all sides. However, in the vanilla game version, they are too standard and familiar, and perhaps you would like to change their appearance, wouldn't you? For this purpose, you can use different types of texture packs, but they often add just one option or only slightly transform the appearance of zombies in Minecraft.

A texture pack called Spryzeen's Zombie variants is a whole different story. It adds about 30 different zombie variants to the game, each with a unique shade, characteristic features, and an unusual appearance. They differ depending on the biome. Thus, there will be some types of zombies in the taiga, others in the desert, and still others in the snowy biomes. So if you have not yet taken advantage of this add-on, be sure to install it. And so that you can know how the appearance of mobs will change in advance, we have prepared a thorough review with detailed screenshots.

Most Minecraft zombies are too standard, and their green shade has already become too boring. However, if you do not want to change all the textures and blocks but just the zombies, you should consider installing Spryzeen's Zombie variants, which can boast several dozen zombie options for different biomes. You will be surprised how cool the in-game hostile mobs can be. The zombies have never looked so high-quality, lively, and fitting with the overall style of Minecraft. Moreover, their appearance will depend entirely on the biome of their spawn, time of day, and weather.

Thus, if you are in the desert, you will see the desert zombies there. In turn, if you move somewhere into the dark forest swamp, you will see the radioactive creatures with twisted faces and a battered look spawning there. And that is just a part of the options that await you after installing the Spryzeen's Zombie variants texture pack. All the mobs can boast elaborate elements and a high detail level. We have tried to examine most of the in-game creatures and take as many screenshots as possible, showing how different they are.

Desert Zombies

Take, for example, the desert. Not only standard green zombies will spawn there, but also little mummy-like guys, wrapped from head to toe. Besides, you will see unique creatures resembling pharaohs. Such zombies wear beautiful hats with valuable materials inside, shorts, and vestments in the same style. Here the designer has tried to recreate some elements from ancient Egypt, which pharaohs dressed according to certain principles. All this has been transferred to the Minecraft game world and affected the look of the cool desert zombies, emphasizing the features of this biome.

Occasionally, you will encounter rarer variants, such as a dark mummy completely wrapped in black rags. Besides, there are hostile mobs that have sandy heads but, in other respects, look like the standard zombies. You will find no identical options, as in total, the Spryzeen's Zombie variants texture pack adds about 30 of them divided into different biomes. Thus, we have examined only the desert one, but there are also the swamp, taiga, jungle, and snowy variants, not to mention many other locations where these mobs are just as likely to appear.

Jungle Zombies

The jungle is another important biome in Minecraft, where many players have to survive. Different types of zombies will now appear there, namely about 5–8 variants thereof, beginning with dark green and ending with light orange variants similar to ocelots. They look as unusual and colorful as possible. You have never seen such creatures in the game, including in any mods, as it is one of the few texture packs for Minecraft that brings changes related exclusively to zombies. Their range is indeed huge, the texture quality is excellent, and they have a lot of details and unique features. Thanks to a laborious job done by the developer of this add-on, you will see both small and large zombies of different types.

We had to take the screenshots at night so that the zombies don't burn in sunlight. As you can see, the range and variety of all the hostile creatures is impressive. They will spawn randomly, so you will not be able to determine which mob will appear in a particular area within the same biome. The same applies to the spawners installed by the player or generated by default in the dungeons. Indeed, they will produce a huge number of zombies, which textures will largely depend on the biome where the spawner is located.

Swamp Zombies

Let us turn to the swamp. It features quite strange creatures compared to all the other options in the Spryzeen's Zombie variants texture pack. Just look at their glowing heads. Some mobs have a head in an acid-green shade, while others have a pinkish one. That is a clear reference to the slimes, which can also appear in the swamp at night — however, the latter depends on the game version. You can also encounter mobs with mushrooms on their heads, a shabby look, branches, and many other elements. However, they drop identical loot. Even if you create a farm there or find a spawner, the randomness of generation will remain. The slime zombies nicely glow at night and attract one's attention.

Ice Zombies

Another biome to consider is the territories with a large number of ice blocks, boulders, and snow. A different category of zombies will spawn there. Most of the mobs have a frozen appearance, but some of them will be green and dressed in standard clothes. In contrast, some may be in a warm-down jacket, orange pants, or even completely naked, and all this variety is peculiar exclusively to the cold biomes. All this looks unusual but colorful. In general, the developer of the Spryzeen's Zombie variants texture pack has done a great job creating so many zombies for Minecraft and dividing them into categories.

That is only a portion of the content featured by this texture pack. In total, you will be able to see about 30 variants of zombies spawning in different biomes. In the jungle, there will be one category, in the savanna, another, in the winter biomes, the third, and so on. The developer of the pack is constantly updating it, releasing new versions, and fixing bugs found. The latest version was released for Minecraft 1.19.2, and it works correctly. However, if you try to launch it on Minecraft 1.19.3 and later versions, there may be bugs, incorrect display, and in some cases, complete incompatibility.

There is one more important feature of this texture pack — it supports Fresh Animations. We have already reviewed this resource pack, which adds new types of animation for most Minecraft mobs. So if you want all these new zombies to also move more realistically, just extract a second archive called ZombieVariantsXFresh and add its content to the resourcepacks directory of the pack under consideration. In this case, all the mobs will move differently, and their mechanics and animation will change, but only for the better. Read more about it in our review of Fresh Animations. It features a lot of detailed screenshots with different mobs.

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Download Spryzeen's zombie variants

Available for next versions: 1.19.2, 1.18.2
Game versions
Show only last resourcepack versions
Zombie variants v1.6 16.09.2022 ANY R 357 KB 1.19.2 991 Download
Zombie variants v1.5 03.07.2022 ANY R 255 KB 1.18.2 571 Download
Zombie variants v1.4 08.06.2022 ANY R 166 KB 1.18.2 81 Download
Zombie variants v1.3 29.04.2022 ANY R 91 KB 1.18.2 944 Download
Better zombies v1.1 20.04.2022 ANY R 80 KB 1.18.2 41 Download
Spryzeen´s better zombies 13.04.2022 ANY R 72 KB 1.18.2 9 Download
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