Classic Handhelds for Minecraft

  • Author: glitchy256
  • Downloaded: 359
  • Updated: 08.10.2023
  • Last version 1.20.1

Review Classic Handhelds

Classic Handhelds – change the position of tools in your hands

From time to time, the Mojang developers introduce various changes and innovations, which you don’t discover out at once, but only after a while. They may not announce some of these «corrections» at all, but the most attentive players notice them. For example, in one of the versions the tool and sword positions in the game have changed, but you won’t notice it unless you compare the two versions at once. Your player used to hold a sword or a pickaxe at a slight angle (about 45 degrees), but now the angle is 90 degrees, which looks even worse.

An enthusiast has developed the Classic Handhelds, which returns the standard position of tools, weapons, and other objects in Minecraft, as it used to be in one of the first versions. Indeed, it’s far from the most important feature of the project, but someone may find it handy. The pack supports work with swords, sticks, bones, fire rods, bamboo, bows, and other types of items that the character holds in this position.

Review of the Classic Handhelds texture pack

The changes aren’t very significant, but very noticeable if analyzed in detail. Specially for you we’ve made two screenshots, with the first one showing the standard game texture, and the second – Classic Handhelds. The difference is obvious: the sword position changes, the player holds it at about 45 degrees, and it looks much cooler, doesn’t it? Before you may not have noticed such game details at all, and the Mojang developers never talked about it either.

The Classic Handhelds texture pack is compatible with almost any pack that can be installed as an additional source of game redesign and graphic alteration. We’ve tested it using OptiFine. Everything works just fine and changes the item positions in a couple of clicks. If you like this option, feel free to install the pack on almost any Minecraft version. We’ve tested it on version 1.19.2; no bugs and failures found.

The position of tools, weapons, or other objects in Minecraft will be relevant not only for the vanilla version, but also for various modifications, where different additional elements are used. Don’t worry about their appearance, because this texture pack works great with any mods due to its simple mechanics. But much still depends on the 3D model of the object the mod adds. If the author didn’t «fret» over the quality and details, certain distortions may appear.

These are all the functions that will be available to you after installing the Classic Handhelds texture pack. In the screenshots, you can clearly see how the position of tools, weapons, efreet’s sticks change in the hand to understand whether this pack is worth downloading for your assembly or not. It works great with any version, doesn’t overload your computer, supports almost any mods, and makes interesting corrections to the visual design of Minecraft.

Images Classic Handhelds

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Download Classic Handhelds

Available for next versions: 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19, 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11
Game versions
Show only last resourcepack versions
Classic-Handhelds-1.20 09.10.2023 ANY R 40 KB 1.20.1, 1.20 43 Download
Classic-Handhelds-1.12 27.04.2023 ANY R 74 KB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11 17 Download
Classic-Handhelds-1.19 16.09.2022 ANY R 40 KB 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19 37 Download
Classic-Handhelds-2.18 18.06.2022 ANY R 40 KB 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 18 Download
Classic-Hendhelds-[1.18] 18.04.2022 ANY R 40 KB 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 217 Download
Classic-Hendhelds-[1.12] 17.04.2022 ANY R 74 KB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11 27 Download
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