Better Botanicals Vegetation for Minecraft

  • Author: botanydev
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 09.01.2022
  • Last version 1.18.1

Review Better Botanicals Vegetation

Better Botanicals: Vegetation – — improved look of agricultural crops

Minecraft is a game in which, in the issue of visual design, you can change almost everything, and if the next mode creator creates any texture pack, it often includes construction blocks, different design options GUI, More weapons and tools and sometimes potions. However, they often forget about trees, plants and other variants or they do not attach importance to them, although among users, there are many farmers who are happy to grow vegetables and fruits.

And if you are a Minecraft farmer, but want to create a new exterior design for every type of seed, vegetable, herb and other plant species, we advise you to pay attention to Better Botanicals: Vegetation texture pack, it was created solely for that purpose. Yes, here is the only change – it is a recycled appearance for all vegetables, plants, and it is a very important factor for farmers. We would like to warn you immediately that this is one of the best packs for this category of elements in Minecraft. This is the reason why you should definitely download this pack on your computer.

Innovations in “Better Botanicals: Vegetation” texture pack

In the game, the textures of seedlings and other plant species will completely change their appearance, and this makes Minecraft more versatile in the visual and design issue. Beds and other types of vegetables will look richer and more interesting, and voluminous 3D models will surely surprise you with their appearance, especially after a long game of vanilla variant. All changes become noticeable at once, both a simple patch somewhere in the villagers or huge plantations, which gamer creates in manual mode. However, farm fans will probably find a lot of interesting things here.

This texture pack fits perfectly with OptiFine. This is the reason why you may well use it in conjunction with shaders to make Minecraft more spectacular and add to the visual component of this game. We gave the example with screenshots on which theSildur's Vibrant Shaders is used, about which we told and made detailed reviews on our site too.

Almost all plants have a 3D model now, for example wheat looks voluminous, not just a piece of grass, at different stages of growth, as it was in the vanilla version of Minecraft. All these details add to Minecraft and make it more interesting, so the modes creators' community makes the level of this game higher.

Cane, seeds of different vegetables

We suggest you look at how volumetric cane looks in the game. This is a new look of the object. Earlier, the cane did not look so beautiful in Minecraft. And now, it is as close as possible to the real appearance of this plant. This factor is the obvious argument for you to download this texture pack. At the same time, if you play with shaders, as in our screenshots, the picture will be even more transformed. At different stages of growth, the cane in the game will be similar to one another, as in the standard version of the game. However, its texture with its volume completely changes the relationship to the plant.

Azalea leaves in Minecraft have more different appearance options now. Previously, it was only a static appearance, now it can change in the process of life. So, in one case it may be pink, in another one it is – red, in the third one it is – purple. There are many options, but in general this pack will surely strengthen your interest in azaleas. Minecraft always paid a lot of attention to this plant, as it is quite a rare type of plant. You’ll have to «discover» a lot of biomes to find an azalea tree.


This is not the last interesting factor of this texture pack. We assure you that you can be pleasantly surprised by other innovations as the texture pack Better Botanicals: Vegetation adds qualitatively new species of seedlings to Minecraft. Moreover, when they are just in gamer slots, they look like acorns, pine cones and other seed variants, and they are quite similar to plants from real life. This looks realistic and unique. Fans of farm stories will surely appreciate them. Even if you are just working as a woodcutter in Minecraft, you will surely be interested «discover» these textures so you can look at the updated look of the game and compare it with old vanilla style.

Preview in cells – reflects only a small part of the information, but when it comes to planting a small tree, there is a different effect. Here, we would like to show you all the new seedlings for Minecraft, so you can see how beautifully the author has transformed their components, appearance and various details, and added 3D-‘effects. Before, seedlings were not so beautiful and unique in the cubic world.

In conclusion, we want to say that today, Better Botanicals: Vegetation texture pack – is one of the best additions to change plants, seedlings, cane, vegetables in the game Minecraft. In that case, if you like to engage in farming in the game, it is a great option to convert graphics, get additional emotions from such effects and create colorful screenshots with your fields, crops and even crops.

In addition to this pack, we recommend you install other fashions so you can expand the list of possible cultures. However, you will need to select the add-ons that will make the appearance of each plant a modified developer effort. If you like this design option, you should download it and start using it in any version of Minecraft so you can do your favorite activities in the game without any limitations.

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Download Better Botanicals Vegetation

Available for next versions: 1.18.1, 1.18
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Better Botanicals, Vegetation 10.01.2022 ANY R 432 KB 1.18.1, 1.18 351 Download
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