Quite an interesting resource pack inspired by the cartoon style. Thanks to its high resolution, which xceeds the average one, the textures will look rather attractive.
The main menu to log in to the game has changed. If you take a closer look, you can see a new landscape in the background with a clearing and a jungle forest in the distance. The edges around the game name have changed – now there’s a small blue frame. The menu buttons are of the same color. Despite their quite uneven appearance, they look quite interesting.
The inventory interface has changed. Now it’s blue, with not quite straight frames as if the interface is handmade. Inside the inventory, we can see various inscriptions that show what the item is and for what it is intended. This change is very useful for beginners who have started playing just recently. The health scale has also changed – it will remain heart-shaped, but the hearts will be pink and locate not as straight as before. The saturation indicator has also changed – now, it will look like ice cream. The main cells have also changed. They are now blue, and to understand which cell you are pointing at, it will be highlighted with a yellow circle.
If you pay attention to the sky, you’ll see that white clouds have changed. Now they’re more transparent and rounder. The sun has also changed in the day sky – it can’t be called more realistic; its shape is curious and unusual. The middle part of the sun is round, which is followed by yellow stripes that form a circle. The moon has changed in the night sky – now it’s cartoon-like, which can be seen from its color. In general, the moon has become round and lighter if compared to the vanilla moon.
The grass block has become light. Its texture has changed – now this block is not so smooth; you can see grass bladed on it, which look very beautiful. The grass blades will be seen from all sides of the block, even from the side parts, so that the ground can be seen at the block bottom parts only. The high grass has also changed. It has become thicker and smaller in size. The double high grass consists of grass with blue flowers growing over it.
The texture of all flowers has changed. Now, their stems are of different colors – some are of bright green color ,and some have dark stem. The only thing that now unites them is their shape, since now they will consist of bushes, and we can see a few particular flowers on one bush at once. On chamomile, we can see blue, pink, and red flowers. The high flowers have also changed – now they are much thicker and more beautiful.
Images in the pictures have changed – now you can see what they depict. In one-block pictures, we can see a bitten apple, a pink heart that we could see in the health indicator, and a pot of prismarin. In two-block horizontal pictures, we see a portrait with a creeper from this texture pack. In the same-sized vertical picture, you can see a sprout with the sun above it, which looks similarly to the one from this pack. In one of the large pictures, you can see the lower world, with a ghast with a very pretty face standing in the middle of it.
ACME_Pack_64x_MC115 | 06.02.2024 | ANY | R | 22 MB | 1.15.2, 1.15.1, 1.15 | 1 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC117 | 06.02.2024 | ANY | R | 24 MB | 1.17.1, 1.17 | 4 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC118 | 06.02.2024 | ANY | R | 24 MB | 1.18.2, 1.18.1, 1.18 | 14 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC114 | 25.06.2019 | ANY | R | 25 MB | 1.14.2, 1.14.1, 1.14 | 555 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC15 | 08.10.2018 | ANY | R | 7 MB | 1.5.2 | 132 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC16 | 08.10.2018 | ANY | R | 10 MB | 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.6.1 | 160 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC17 | 08.10.2018 | ANY | R | 10 MB | 1.7.10, 1.7.2 | 188 | Download |
ACME_Pack_64x_MC18 | 08.10.2018 | ANY | R | 13 MB | 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.8 | 217 | Download |
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