Pixel Reality for Minecraft

  • Author: Wedhro
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 03.08.2021
  • Last version 1.17.1

Review Pixel Reality

Pixel Reality

Pixel Reality is a resource pack made in the standard 16x resolution. Despite such a low resolution, the new textures can boast a nice appearance, which will pleasantly surprise you. The resource pack affects almost all the in-game textures, as well as blocks, items, and mobs. The entire game whole will thus practically acquire a new look.

The first change to notice when you launch the game is, of course, related to the main menu. The background image has changed but still depicts an in-game landscape. It is now bright and vivid and with some hills and forest. Near the game title, the name of this resource pack — Pixel Reality — is now written in small font. The menu buttons have also changed, and their frame has become dark.

The inventory GUI has transformed becoming of a dark shade. Its background will now be transparent, and you will thus be able to see the game world through the inventory. The cells are now dark gray and with transparent sectors between them. The health bar has also changed and now looks like a dark red dotted line. When you lose a health point, the respective element will become even darker while retaining a red shade. The hunger bar has acquired a similar look but of a golden shade. As for the XB bar, it is now green with black outlines, and the indicator itself is of a bright green color.

The grass now looks different. It has become a bit darker, and its upper part is now not as smooth as before. You can notice various extra particles on it that give the block a completely different look. Having looked at the side of the grass block, you can see that the grass is now unevenly located, and the rest consists of the dirt, which looks completely different. The tall grass has acquired a more lush texture, and much more blades can now be distinguished in it, which color is the same as the color of the block itself.

The sand block has become smoother, and its color is now darker but not particularly realistic. The cactus has acquired a brighter texture, and its spines are now not black but white. They can be seen on each side of the block, even on its top. The water has also changed. Its texture is not that natural, but it has become more transparent, and its shade has changed — so now it has a bluish color. On its surface, you can see the separation of particles simulating the moving waves. However, its movement is not particularly noticeable.

The textures of all the trees have changed. Despite the low resolution, the designer has done a good job on the foliage blocks. Thus, on the birch foliage, we can now distinguish very realistic leaves of a light shade. There are darker particles between them, so the foliage has ceased to be transparent. The birch wood texture has also changed. It has become whiter, but it is not very elaborate and with square particles visible on it. The black streaks are now fewer and located mainly on the sides. The oak wood's color has been completely changed and is now of a gray shade with scarce brown particles here and there. The oak foliage block has now acquired a lighter shade, which is still darker compared to the birch. Besides, the oak foliage itself now has a whole different structure, which is completely dissimilar to the birch. We can see a similar color in the case of spruce wood, as it is also of a grayish shade. However, its structure is slightly different. The spruce foliage itself has also changed. We can now distinguish twigs with needles in it. However, due to a poor detail level, they are not particularly noticeable. Besides, the color of the needles has changed. It has become slightly darker, and in the middle of the block, we can see brown particles resembling twigs.

The sky has also undergone changes related to the sun. It has acquired a round shape, which makes the sky look more realistic. Besides, the sun has become brighter, but its dimensions have basically remained the same — it looks larger simply because of the rays that are very close to the disc. In the night sky, we can notice changes related to the moon. Despite the low resolution, the moon can boast a very beautiful appearance, and its texture cannot but surprise you. Just like the sun, the moon has acquired a round shape, and compared to the vanilla one, it has become brighter but has basically retained its size.

The flowers have acquired new textures, becoming more colorful and better looking. The dandelion consists of a basic stem, from which several additional stems depart in different directions. On each of them, we can see very bright inflorescences that differ in size. On one of the lateral stems, the inflorescence is very large. A very lush structure is also peculiar to the poppy, even though it has only one flower. It also has lush green leaves, which are darker than the dandelion's. The blue cornflower has acquired a different structure. We see that its lower part is now quite narrow, and only the upper part is pronounced. The stems of the blue cornflower have a dark green color, and white inflorescences can be seen on them.

The tulips have become a bit taller, and their stems thicker and larger. This is also true of their leaves. The flower itself has changed in terms of color: in the lower part, it is slightly darker, while the upper part is lighter. In general, the flower has become lusher and larger. The chamomile now looks like a small shrub because it has several stems with very pronounced green leaves. It has five squarely arranged flowers. One of them is in the middle, and it is much larger than the other four, which are identical to each other. The allium has acquired a completely different structure, as its inflorescence is no longer round. Besides, its stem has changed, which is now of a bright shade. It has become thicker, and green leaves have now appeared on it. The tall flowers have also changed, but they are basically very similar to each other. Instead of green stems, they now have the brown ones, as if they were trees. You will not see flowers on the lower part of these plants anymore, as all of them are now located on the top. The color of these flowers has also undergone changes. Thus, the peonies now have a pink color with white particles inside.

The stone has acquired an updated texture. This block is now very dark and not as smooth as before. Because of this change, the mountains will become darker. All this looks very beautiful, though. The cobblestone has also changed. It has a darker texture than stone, and bricks of different shapes can now be distinguished in it. As the stone color has changed, the ores have changed accordingly. All because they basically consist of stone. We can see that the shapes of their precious particles have also undergone changes. Each ore now has a unique look. Thus, the diamond ore looks like a small circle located in the middle of the block and visible on each side. As for the other ores, they are not similar to the diamond ore at all.

The precious blocks have acquired new textures. The iron block is now of a dark color. It has basically become smooth, and one can see darker particles in each corner, which look like rivets. The color of the gold block has also changed. It has become darker and so cannot be considered shining. The diamond block is now very white but basically looks very attractive. The emerald block has acquired a similar texture and become darker. The lapis lazuli has the same shade, but its block is now not as smooth as before.

Both friendly and hostile mobs have acquired new textures. The cow is now white with dark brown spots, so it has become its opposite in terms of color. On the wool of the sheep, we now see gray particles as if it is a bit dirty. The color of the sheep itself has also changed. Its face and legs are now of a pink shade. The pig has basically retained its pink color but acquired white spots here and there. The feathers of the chicken have acquired gray particles on its back, and a pink line has appeared on its head.

The hostile mobs have also changed, and some of them acquired a rather unusual texture. One of them is the creeper, which now resembles a vanilla foliage block and even has transparent gaps between the leaf particles. So you should be careful, as the creeper can now merge with the trees. The bones of the skeleton have become whiter and better pronounced. They are now more transparent in some places, including on the legs and in the chest. The zombie's skin has turned dark gray, but its clothes have basically retained the old colors. Parts of its face merge with its skin's color, but they are slightly darker. This is not particularly noticeable, though. The spider now has only two bright red eyes. Besides, we can see brown particles on its back.

Images Pixel Reality

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Download Pixel Reality

Available for next versions: 1.17.1, 1.17, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8.8, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2
Game versions
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1.12.2-4 04.08.2021 ANY R 9 MB 1.12.2 2 k Download
1.17 06.07.2021 ANY B 10 MB 1.17.1, 1.17 59 Download
1.12.2-3 22.02.2019 ANY R 9 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 2 k Download
1.13.2 08.02.2019 ANY R 11 MB 1.13.2 809 Download
JE 1.12.2-2 28.01.2019 ANY R 9 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 800 Download
JE 1.12.2-1 23.05.2018 ANY R 9 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12 799 Download
JE 1.12.2 09.01.2018 ANY R 9 MB 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.11 818 Download
JE 1.12 26.07.2017 ANY R 10 MB 1.12 800 Download
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