If you use updated textures for Minecraft, you are surely familiar with a texture pack called Faithful, which is among the most popular mods in its category. It transforms the game's graphics but leaves the vanilla style intact, just adding clarity and contrast to all the in-game blocks, items, and models. It is a really cool and very high-quality design option, but it lacks one feature present in other HD texture packs, namely 3D. So the developer of Faithful 3D has decided to fix this situation by creating his own version with three-dimensional models.
Has he succeeded? It's up to you to judge! As usual, we have taken detailed screenshots to make it clear how the graphics in Minecraft is transformed, whether it is of high quality or not, and whether it is worth installing this texture pack. It should be noted from the outset that FAITHFUL 3D works together with the original Faithful pack, so you will need to install both of them (first the basic add-on and then the 3D version).
Compared to the vanilla textures, the game's graphics have significantly transformed. The entire game world has acquired some depth, resulting in a real 3D effect and a new gameplay experience.
If you haven't played with the Faithful texture pack before, the entire atmosphere will seem different to you. More precisely, the design of the vanilla version of Minecraft will remain but will be greatly transformed. You will notice clarity, contrast, an eye-pleasant game world, as well as clear mobs, vegetation, and other elements in whatever biome you go.
The new features of the Faithful 3D pack only increase this positive effect. Just look at the flowers and how they have transformed! It is now more interesting to wander about and collect dyes, and for girls who love to grow different kinds of flowers, that will be doubly interesting. When it comes, say, to the rose, it now looks like a real flower with buds, volume, and shadows. And if you also install extra shaders, they, together with this pack, will transform Minecraft even more.
To show you how much the ordinary 2D flowers have changed, becoming, we have taken several screenshots with different kinds thereof: the chamomile, pink tulip, lily of the valley, and orange tulip. Even in the standard version of Faithful, they didn't look as amazing as they do now. And this is true of all the dimensions: the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. After all, there are a large number of plants, roots, and different types of blocks even in the Nether.
Living creatures are another source of for the designer of this pack. The original texture pack has already changed and transformed every animal and mob. However, they are all as close to the vanilla game version as possible and practically do not differ from it, except for higher texture quality. But thanks to Faithful 3D, they have become even more attractive and realistic.
Take, for example, the hostile mobs, say, the pillagers. They have become more voluminous and acquired textures of higher quality. You can distinguish various elements of their clothing, appearance, face, and equipment. The same is basically true of other mobs, such as piglins. Have you ever had to fight with them in the Nether? They now look more interesting and clear.
We have deliberately spawned a lot of parrots to show you what the texture of this bird now looks like. Few mods can boast such a quality level, and they are, for the most part, focused only on animals. One of them is called Naturalist, and we have already reviewed it. Its developers add several dozen different entities to the game, and each of them is worked out in detail and has unique animations.
Polar bears, phantoms, ocelots — one can list the updated mods indefinitely, so it is difficult to show you all the changes in one article. The mod changes the texture of every single mob, and each new version of Faithful adds modified versions for all blocks, animals, and items. When it comes to the 3D pack, though, it is developed by another person, so its updates are released much less often.
The appearance of the spawn eggs has also dramatically changed. Each egg can now boast a high detail level and allow you to distinguish all its shades and colors. All this looks beautiful and clear, and you will not even want to quit Minecraft with such textures at all.
The armor and tools are visually changed only because of the Faithful textures, but there are no 3D effects for them. Moreover, in the character's inventory, you will see cool and updated versions of armor sets, but if you put them on the player, you will not notice significant changes.
The dropped items look good, though. Thus, if you throw, say, a sword, pickaxe, or some other tool, you will see its rotating 3D model. Such an effect is peculiar to almost all in-game items, but not all of them are properly designed.
However, if you throw some armor elements on the ground, be they diamond or netherite, you will not see any 3D models — they will remain flat. But if you compare them with the vanilla ones, you will still notice certain changes. Each equipment piece has become a bit thicker and more voluminous.
They are perhaps the most interesting item category in the Faithful 3D texture pack, as all the potions in Minecraft will now look like realistic 3D objects. You can clearly see how the appearance of each bottle will change in the screenshots below. The designer has elaborated literally all the options, beginning with the ordinary potions and ending with explosive and lingering ones.
You will now be able to distinguish a shape, color, shade, and virtually every pixel on the texture of every bottle. If it is a lingering potion, its bottleneck will be slightly deflected; if it is an ordinary potion, its bottle will be straight. All these details are clearly visible, especially with OptiFine's function of zooming the camera in on or out of a specific object by holding the CTRL button.
This works with all the potions. The only thing to keep in mind is that you should choose the appropriate version of both texture packs so that it matches your version of Minecraft. Otherwise, some of the objects will not load.
But what about minecarts and railways? They are also nicely implemented. It is immediately clear that this is not 16x16 resolution but a higher one, and Faithful as such does its job. Moreover, if you throw these objects on the floor, they will rotate, displaying a full-fledged 3D model.
The screenshots show what different types of railways and minecarts look like. The droppers, dispensers, and other elements for creating circuits have basically remained the same, so the 3D effect is not particularly noticeable in their case. Even so, they look more high-quality compared to the vanilla version of Minecraft.
The lanterns and torches also look cool. And if you use shaders as well, the overall visual picture will change dramatically, as ca 30% of the efforts of any shader pack's developer are often focused solely on the transformation of the lighting, rays, and scattering.
Take, for example, the lantern. It now looks different. You can approach it and examine every corner, all the faces, the glowing inside and on the sides, and different shades above and below. Thanks to a high detail level, any in-game object or block can now be seen in all its splendor, and all its details can be distinguished both during a sunny day and when it is illuminated by other sources.
There is no point in thoroughly describing the blocks, as they are practically left intact. Certain changes are related only to some aspects of dropped blocks. But when it comes to Faithful, it, of course, affects the appearance of all the in-game blocks. They will be completely transformed but remain as vanilla as possible.
In general, we can say that the combination of these two texture packs greatly transforms the Minecraft game world, adds realism to it, and brings the game's graphics to a whole new level. The standard design will remain intact, so you can be sure that all the blocks and items will not change beyond recognition.
It should be noted that these are one of the most popular textures for the cubic world, which have been downloaded hundreds of millions of times by users from all over the world. However, we recommend you install some extra shader pack to change the grass, water, reflections, shadows, and sunrays. In this case, Minecraft will turn into something incredible.
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