Epic Fight 3D Weapons - Darkseeker for Minecraft

  • Author: atgouki
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 15.11.2022
  • Last version 1.18.2

Review Epic Fight 3D Weapons - Darkseeker

Epic Fight 3D Weapons – Darkseeker (Discontinued)

Tired of the vanilla weapon textures and would like to change them? A resource pack called Epic Fight 3D Weapons – Darkseeker (Discontinued) can help you with this task. It reworks each and every weapon texture by making them highly realistic.


This resource pack supports version 1.18.2 and is perfectly compatible with the Epic Fight mod. Besides, it is well-optimized and will not load your PC.

Wooden Items

They have significantly transformed. Their textures have become very eye-pleasing. All the items have lost the rough wood texture and become very smooth. Besides, their very shapes have changed and are now neat and detailed. The designer has also not forgotten about their color scheme. Their basic color has remained intact, but new shades have appeared. The handle texture has been changed for all the items and got a string, which fits with the overall style perfectly. As for the hoe, the length of its head is now different.

Stone Items

They have been substantially reworked and acquired quite unique models. The bit of the axe now looks different, becoming larger and sharper. It fits with the style of these textures nicely.

Iron Items

They have been thoroughly refined and acquired updated textures. Their surface is now smooth and even. Besides, all the items have got new shapes, also smooth and eye-pleasing. The designer has changed their color scheme. The main color has remained untouched but got new shades. The shape of the iron parts of all the items has been modified, making them look more realistic and detailed. So these textures will certainly bring more diversity to the game.

Golden Items

They have become unique, as their models have changed a lot. Their surfaces are now highly eye-pleasing. Their shapes and colors have transformed as well: the former becoming elegant and aesthetic, and the latter becoming bright and attractive.

Diamond Items

The designer has done an excellent job on them. Their textures have changed dramatically. All the uneven surfaces have been removed, and they have become smooth and pleasant. Their shapes have also undergone changes. The axe has become particularly eye-pleasing due to the reworked poll. It has never featured such a poll before. The basic color of the items has remained the same, but the designer has changed the color of the handles, which looks quite appropriate.

Netherite Items

Their textures have become colorful, eye-pleasing, smooth, and neat — that is, they have changed for the better. Besides, the designer has worked on the models themselves, which have become very neat. The sword has acquired a unique shape and now resembles a saber. The colors of the items have also undergone changes. The designer has added gold elements, and all the items now look awesome. A lot of work has indeed been done on these textures.

Images Epic Fight 3D Weapons - Darkseeker

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Download Epic Fight 3D Weapons - Darkseeker

Available for next versions: 1.18.2
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Epic Fight Darkseeker 15.11.2022 ANY B 140 KB 1.18.2 2 k Download
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