Additional Structures A mod that significantly expands and decorates the world of Minecraft with new structures. Here, you won’t find any global dungeons or huge castles – everything is much
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Additional Structures A mod that significantly expands and decorates the world of Minecraft with new structures. Here, you won’t find any global dungeons or huge castles – everything is much
Enhanced Peaceful Villages for Minecraft A peaceful village is one of the first locations visited by any player in Minecraft. At the initial stages of your survival, you can find many valuable
Friends&Foes (Forge) This mod complements the game with those mobs that the Mojang developers once refused. These mobs didn’t get enough votes in the official chat, but the players liked them
Friends&Foes (Forge) This mod complements the game with those mobs that the Mojang developers once refused. These mobs didn’t get enough votes in the official chat, but the players liked them
New Biome Generating Mechanics There is a wide range of different biomes in Minecraft, but most of them are similar. Another significant problem is a poor generation, which the Mojang developers
Beautiful Floating Islands Almost every player knows about skyblock maps, where characters develop on a small and nearly bare floating island, try to make a cobblestone generator, and grow the first seeds and plants.
MES - Moog's End Structures It is a small mod that adds new structures to the End. They are claimed to be dungeons but are virtually just buildings with a small number of mobs and chests. However,
Enhanced Ancient Cities in Minecraft Ancient cities – dungeons in Minecraft appear mainly in deep dark biomes. Here, you can find a large number of chests with valuable resources, but danger
MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures is a Minecraft mod that will make the interactive environment more diverse thanks to the addition of a huge number of structures and dungeons.
Guard Villagers – — improved defenders of villages in Minecraft Villages and their inhabitants in Minecraft – are one of the most important components of both single and multiplayer mode gameplay,
Dungeon Crawl If it seems to you that Minecraft lacks noteworthy big dungeons for adventures, a mod called Dungeon Crawl will solve this issue once and for all. It adds a lot of structures, which
Redesigned Edge Fortresses in Minecraft The Edge Fortress is an important dungeon in the game of Minecraft, where you can find a portal to the Edge. This may be one of the most important parts
Hopo Better Underwater Ruins – upgraded underwater ruins Do you want to diversify the boring and dull underwater world of your Minecraft dimension? The Hopo Better Underwater Ruins mod will do
Blockus – a great variety of blocks! There are numerous blocks in Minecraft – both decorative and functional, as well as plants, and the like. This is what Minecraft consists of, so you can’t do without blocks.
Structory A large mod that adds a variety of structures to vanilla Minecraft. These structures are really numerous: they include ruined shrines, abandoned cemeteries, mansions, and ancient time-battered towers.
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