Inventory Profiles Next – Sorting the inventory Every time you go down into a mine or try to scrape the chests or inventory out, you collect a huge amount of resources and items, and it’s extremely
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Inventory Profiles Next – Sorting the inventory Every time you go down into a mine or try to scrape the chests or inventory out, you collect a huge amount of resources and items, and it’s extremely
Echo Chest – New types of chests in Minecraft Crafting automatic farms in Minecraft – is a rather entertaining process and one of the development stages, which experienced users arrive at. You
Changed Shulkers in Minecraft At the start of Minecraft, you keep everything in chests, because this is the first item you can craft from wood. But in the future, you craft barrels, Ender’s chest
New Bundles for Storing Resources The standard inventory in Minecraft can fit enough resources, but there is still always something to desire, and when the huge fan community develops hundreds
Additional Backpacks for Minecraft Collecting resources and moving across different locations is the main activity in Minecraft. The player has to constantly explore new biomes, visit dungeons,
Carry On – item transportation To store resources in Minecraft, we usually use chests, which are statistical objects that you install and can’t move anywhere. If the player needs to take them
Clumps – collected pieces of experience One of the important components in Minecraft is experience. Only it will allow you to enchant things for certain effects to increase the armor’s protection
A Belt for Tools and Weapons The resource storage system and the character's GUI are the most significant components of Minecraft players have to interact with constantly. That is why modders
Inventory HUD+ - Updated inventory in Minecraft Inventory is the main section, which the player opens most often. You take different loot from caves, put building blocks to build a castle, a
Copper Nuggets in Minecraft The player always has to interact with different materials, including valuable ones that you extract from ores. For example, you craft your first tools using iron
Sugar Cane Bales for Minecraft A huge number of different blocks, items, and plants are available for players in Minecraft, which they have to constantly interact with. Thus, at a certain stage
A Superblock Minecraft There are plenty of different decorative blocks and valuable materials in Minecraft, and players can create real «masterpieces» using different types of materials. However,
Macaw's Furniture It is a mod that adds a huge amount of diverse furniture to Minecraft. Some would say that this mod is redundant and restricts creativity, but those people perhaps will be from Mojang.
Storage Labels One of the largest drawbacks of the game, which we can see in vanilla Minecraft, is the difficulties that a gamer faces when creating a warehouse with items. Especially when it
Furniture Expanded This mod adds several furniture pieces and decorations for Minecraft. You will now be able to create full-fledged decorations full of functional and aesthetically attractive elements.
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