Mods Fabric for Minecraft 1.20.3


JourneyMap Finding your bearings in the game world is a big problem for you, and you don't understand where you are? Indeed, it is quite difficult to play without a map, as you cannot know what awaits you.

  • 174 k
  • 35 mln
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Sodium Sodium is a popular mod for Minecraft that improves the performance level by optimizing various processes and reducing the load on the player's system. That is achieved by reducing lags

  • 26 k
  • 1 mln
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Enchantment Descriptions

Enchantment Descriptions If you have ever had to enchant items in Minecraft, you know that that is not an easy task, and you often have to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. Thus,

  • 9 k
  • 4 mln
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Jade 🔍

Jade: Detailed Information About Everything Almost any mod that adds some content to Minecraft has certain entries in the code. However, it is not always possible to realize how to craft this

  • 12 k
  • 6 mln
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Wynntils: Thorough Customization of Minecraft The standard functionality of Minecraft can boast many different options, biomes, entities, game mechanics, and various gameplay features, but given

  • 2 k
  • 6 k
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Botany Pots

Botany Pots: New Pot Types Decorating a house or structure in Minecraft is a pleasant and important process for players. Even if you just erect a 2x2 box, you try to create an interesting decorative

  • 1 k
  • 601 k
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Physics Mod

Physics Mod – New physics in Minecraft Physics in the Minecraft aren’t well studied, and this isn’t a primary task for such a project, because the graphics here also seem a little «poor» at first sight.

  • 4 k
  • 989 k
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FallingTree (Forge&Fabric)

FallingTree: Fast Chopping of Trees Wood is the main source of materials in Minecraft and one of the first items you have to interact with to make yourself a pickaxe, shovel, crafting table,

  • 41 k
  • 19 mln
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Bone Zone

Bone Zone It is a small decorative mod that adds a bit of horror to the cubic world of Minecraft by allowing players to craft decorative items from bones. Wall skulls, skull pots, skull masks

  • 462
  • 1 k
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