World Mods NeoForge for Minecraft 1.20.1

Guard Villagers

Guard Villagers – — improved defenders of villages in Minecraft Villages and their inhabitants in Minecraft – are one of the most important components of both single and multiplayer mode gameplay,

  • 105 k
  • 5 mln
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Explorify – Dungeons & Structures

Explorify – Dungeons & Structures A mod with new unique vanilla-style structures. It will bring new houses, towers, and spawners in your world. As many as two new types of desert pyramids will

  • 1 k
  • 97 k
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Structory A large mod that adds a variety of structures to vanilla Minecraft. These structures are really numerous: they include ruined shrines, abandoned cemeteries, mansions, and ancient time-battered towers.

  • 2 k
  • 128 k
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The Bumblezone (NeoForgeForge)

A mod called The Bumblezone adds a new dimension to the game, which allows you to explore a bee nest consisting of honeycomb blocks. The main rulers of that world are the bees themselves, so

  • 6 k
  • 97 k
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Treasure2! Treasure2! for Minecraft is a major add-on that adds the ability to hunt treasures. The author of this modification adds the generation of rare chests that can appear almost anywhere.

  • 1 k
  • 152 k
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Incendium Incendium is a vanilla-style mod that will significantly improve the Nether by adding new biomes, structures, and mobs to it. Biomes This mod adds eight new biomes to the Nether and

  • 4 k
  • 180 k
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Better Archeology

Better Archeology It is a mod that undertook to refine the archaeology that was proposed in version 1.20 but has not been finished by Mojang. There will now be a real archeology in Minecraft

  • 3 k
  • 24 k
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Excessive Building

Excessive Building: Decorative Blocks for Minecraft Building a house is the primary task in Minecraft, but some players build mere boxes, say, 5x5, without really thinking about how their structure

  • 1 k
  • 2 k
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Tectonic A mod that totally changes the generation of the Overworld of Minecraft and makes it more realistic and smoother. It introduces completely new generations to the game – volcano craters,

  • 2 k
  • 120 k
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