popular maps for Minecraft

Star Wars Adventure Map v1.0

Star Wars Adventure Map – «Star Wars» in Minecraft Minecraft game support is the creation of almost any realm, such as a cartoon fictional city or the whole universe, such as Rangers, Marvel,

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Yvion - An incredible Modern City Hub

Yvion - an incredible Modern City Hub Imagined a city of the future and want to see it right in front of you in Minecraft? So, meet the Yvion - an incredible Modern City Hub map that offers to

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Cliff Mansion

Cliff Mansion Cliff Mansion – is a small map, on which Cliff Mansion is located. In addition to the mansion itself, here you can visit other interesting places. On this map, you will find yourself

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Tax' Village of Magic

Tax’ Village of Magic – Magic Castle in Minecraft If you know such a map maker as Zeemo, you will be pleasantly surprised since Tax’ Village of Magic is a re-release of the original Castle of Magic in Minecraft.

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Sky Wars - Iron Swords

Sky Wars - Iron Swords – a New SkyBlock Mode Every Minecraft player is familiar with the SkyBlock mode, even if they’ve just purchased a licensed version of the game or downloaded a launcher from a third-party site.

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Huge Cruise ship

Huge Cruise ship Huge Cruise ship is a rather popular map that has a lot of downloads. You will find yourself in the endless ocean, sailing on a huge cruise ship. This liner is quite large, approximately

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The Levatou Mansion

The Levatou Mansion The Levatou Mansion is a small and creative map that contains just one building. In this world, you will find yourself on a hand-made desert island amidst an endless ocean.

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Vertoak City

Vertoak City – Massive City in Minecraft What can you build in Minecraft? For example, you can generate a house, a big cottage, a farm, a huge castle, or cool pixel art. Have you already done

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Capitol City Dystopia

Capitol City Dystopia –as a concept of the ideal city On the Internet, you can find maps for different tastes, as well as download a map with very large cities in which everything is perfectly

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Laboratory [ Left 2 Mine ]

Laboratory [ Left 2 Mine ]: A Laboratory With Zombies Have you ever wanted to fight a lot of mobs in Minecraft? Or perhaps you wanted to complete secret locations and levels a the laboratory

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