Tough As Nails – Challenging Survival Mode for Minecraft How many times have you died in Minecraft due to lack of food or health, or because of various mobs? Have you experienced difficult climate
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Tough As Nails – Challenging Survival Mode for Minecraft How many times have you died in Minecraft due to lack of food or health, or because of various mobs? Have you experienced difficult climate
New Crates for Farmers There are hundreds of different mods created for the game of Minecraft to change its crop system, add new types of food, products, fruits and vegetables. One of these mods
Health Regeneration from a Campfire How do you restore your character’s health in the game? For this purpose, players usually grow wheat, craft a lot of bread stacks, carry watermelons, carrots,
Decorative Barrels in Minecraft Any resources in Minecraft have to be stored somewhere, and it doesn’t matter what exactly you do in the game world (PvP or PvE, build farms, collect ore in mines,
Golden Foods! – Dishes made of gold The standard Minecraft functions include a wide range of different types of fruits, vegetables, and ready meals to restore health and sustainably keep the
New Types of Bread in the Game What products do you usually use to restore your character’s saturation in the game? These may include all kinds of meat, both cooked and raw. Besides, players
Hunger Strike: New Hunger System in Minecraft How often have you starved to death in Minecraft? Hunger is perhaps one of the main reasons why players often die at the start, as it is difficult
Cook on Solar Panels In Minecraft, many players use stoves to roast food or melt down certain types of resources by default, with coal, kelp or wood being their main fuel. In addition, a lot
Stackable Stew and Soup for Minecraft There are many different food types in Minecraft so that the player can replenish their health and saturation points, and that is one of the important mechanics
Replenishing Health With Water You can restore your health in Minecraft with the help of different food types: cakes, raw and fried meats, mushrooms, vegetables, soups, bread, and much more.
Animals Follow You To tame an animal and make it follow you, players use different tactics in Minecraft. For example, dogs are tamed with bones, ocelots (cats) are treated to fish, but if the
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