NEXCity XI for Minecraft

  • Author: nexchannelyt
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 10.08.2020
  • Last version 1.12.2

Review NEXCity XI

NEXCity XI – A huge city in Minecraft

How do you imagine a «city of the future»? Or at least a big megalopolis, where high technology, the most advanced materials, and interesting architecture are used? It’s hard to imagine it in Minecraft, so let’s have a look at the NEXCity XI map, which the author has been working on for a long time. This is a huge city with a wide range of interiors in different buildings, many interesting constructions, an individual approach to each building, «vision of the future» of such kind of megalopolises, and many other interesting things.

Attention! If you want to enjoy this map in full, the author recommends installing such mods as: DecoCraft, MalisisDoors, Thut's Elevators for a decor and additional interior details. As you understand, they will require Minecraft Forge to run correctly. This map works perfectly with OptiFine, can use shaders, however you should consider the load on your computer, which is significant due to the large size of the map even without any additional graphics improvements.

The NEXCity XI review

The main advantage of this location is – dense population. Here, you see not just a large megalopolis, but a simulation, where the standard Minecraft inhabitants move along the streets, live in different buildings, and have a unique appearance. Besides, NPC can be on the first floor, as well as somewhere in the middle of a skyscraper. Actually, you can install other additional mods for the game if you want so that you can assign particular residents to each building, choose their professions, certain dialogues, and tasks.

In fact, there are really a lot of buildings here, and it’s just impossible to list all of them in one article. The map creator has spent a huge amount of time to construct so many buildings on one map – from simple residential multi-storey buildings, up to unique centers, cafes, bridges, and parking lots.


Even though IKEA is officially leaving the Russian market, it has remained in Minecraft, and many authors add these store chains on their maps when building large metropolises. In NEXCity XI, you can actually see IKEA stores designed in the same colors as in real life.

The external design is cool and interesting, but if you look inside, you’ll see that it drastically lacks details, goods, cashiers, various shelves, and other attributes. This is a huge «outlet for creativity», where each user can add exactly what he wants. Develop and upgrade the city, make it look as you want, and be sure to add NPCs to make the store look «alive».

Shopping mall

The author has built a large and spacious shopping mall, which at the same time looks like a car dealership. It’s up to you to decide which tasks you want to use the building for to develop your city effectively. The construction is generally bulky, but convenient. There are two floors, you can use different staircases to climb it, there are a few entrances and exits, a lot of light.

The walls at the central entrance are made of glass, so you can use many different sources of light to make this building look more attractive, both inside and outside. Before, we’ve told you about the Additional Lanterns mod, which you can use to add about 300 different colors for lanterns. Use this modification to illuminate the city.

Apartment blocks

In NEXCity XI, a large number of different apartment blocks has been built. Each of them has its own unique design, interior, and certain features. Here, you can accommodate a lot of NPCs or live players, if you use the map on any of the Minecraft servers. It’s large enough to accommodate more than 1,000 residents, and everyone will find something to do.

The buildings’ exterior and interior differ, which is very important, because often many map developers copy the buildings and just change the block colors or build entire areas consisting of identical houses. Here the author has created really cool and as different buildings as possible, so there is a lot to choose from.


The author has created an interesting version of this medical institution that looks more like a huge shopping mall in light shades. However, this is a real hospital, as numerous signs at the entrances and a huge letter H on the walls of the building show.

Inside, there’s a bit of furniture, a pleasant and quite simple design. There are even residents, which makes an effect of the medical personnel’s presence and activity inside. In general, the building can be called interesting and unusual. It doesn’t look like a medical facility, but that is the author’s idea.


On this map, there are a few towers of different heights. They can be used, for example, to broadcast shows on TV channels, as Ostankino Tower does in Russia. You can also play with the construction and locate military NPCs here for protection or an observation deck to view the city and assess its scale. After downloading the NEXCity XI map, everyone can decide how to use this city.

A huge shopping mall with movies

Meet another shopping mall in Minecraft, which is used for different purposes. For example, here you can watch movies in an improvised cinema, have a meal, walk around the territory, park a car at a large parking lot nearby. Of course, most of the rooms are totally empty, so the player will have to work on the interior, furnish it with different types of furniture, if you use any kind of mods.


There is even a university with a large number of students in NEXCity XI. Indeed, these are common residents, whom the map author has spawned, but they bring this university to life, demonstrating how cool each resident’s or added NPC’s actions can be here. For example, you can teach potion-making craft here, add more different recipes, hang signs with instructions, add a lot of interesting tasks and tests. Such buildings will be extremely popular on the server and will attract a large number of players.


There is an improvised stage for mass events in the city. It’s rather similar to real prototypes: a stage, lightning all around, a few levels of swats, and much space. The entire surrounding area is made of beautiful blocks, and generally gives a pleasant feeling.

Under the lower row of improvised seats, there’s a kind of cafe or restaurant, with some of its walls being made of glass, thus creating more space and letting more light inside. The entire nearby area is surrounded by a few administrative buildings, and it’s up to you to decide what purpose they’ll serve, how to use them, and what kind of residents will show up here.

Village with inhabitants

Of course, in Minecraft there’s a standard village with inhabitants, which, most likely, was generated on the map by default. But the author has improved and upgraded it a little bit: a lot of different houses, straight garden-beds, paths between all the houses, more territory for the village, and many other aspects. All of these prove that the map developer has finalized it a little bit, so as farm life on the city outskirts look more interesting.

Industrial building

How can a city do without factories and plants? Indeed, people need somewhere to work, don't they? And this city has industrial buildings as well. One of them we show you in these screenshots. It looks cool, especially with these bricks, masonry, and a large parking lot.

The most interesting thing is that the author has even added assembly lines inside to show that you are looking at a factory or a plant in operation. But there are no residents here by default, although it would be great if every NPC was standing at his workplace and performing certain types of work. But you can do yourself, since on this map you can change everything you want!

Huge stadium

One of the coolest things about the NEXCity XI map – is a huge stadium, which was created on the model of a real one. Just look at the scale of this construction: numerous seats for fans, a lot of passages, entrances and exits, a field with marking, gates, and scoreboard.

If the stadium is too heavy for the map and your computer, we recommend disabling shaders here, lowering the loading of chunks on the map, and not flying on Elytras. Generally, the building is really huge, and can be seen in the night no worse than during the day. Here are some screenshots for you to see how the stadium looks like in Minecraft at night. Cool, isn’t it?

We haven’t looked at all the buildings and constructions on this map. There are many multistorey buildings, different types of cafes and restaurants, roads are everywhere, there are a few bridges, military bases and many other buildings that are important for the city. All you need to do is to download the NEXCity XI map and see how huge it is with your own eyes. Don’t forget that at the beginning of the article we suggested a few mods that will allow you to add absolutely new types of furniture and interior to the city, so the internal design of each building will look a little different in the basic version of Minecraft.

Images NEXCity XI

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Available for next versions: 1.12.2
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The Final Update 10.08.2020 ANY R 55 MB 1.12.2 103 k Download
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