Custom Boss Collection for Minecraft

  • Author: McTsts MateEnder
  • Popularity:
  • Updated: 13.04.2017
  • Last version 1.8.9

Review Custom Boss Collection

Minecraft Custom Boss Collection


14/15 (Excellent)

Not to much to say about this map except really nice job on this map! It was very fun to play and I had enjoyed everything about it! I can''t wait to play some of your other maps!

- Map Version: 9.0

- Minecraft Version: 1.8+ (works with 1.8.6+!)

- Trailer:

Download: <sub>[1.8+] Custom Boss Collection V9 (by McTsts).zip</sub>

Minecraft Custom Boss Collection is a map created by:


With help by:

EnderPig, HyperDragonX7, Tyler6K, Schraggi, VaterX2 & Sjondk

Logo by


This map uses a custom resource pack created by different People (more Informations & link in map)

The Resource pack is included in the world.

I'll add you as a Boss!

Tell me you Name and some Ideas for attacks and I'll add you as a Boss

(I also want to note that I cant do things dependent on the bosses health)

Please tell me These things:

- Minecraft Name

- Type of mob

- Armor (if leather, which Color?)

- Health

- Weapon (There are a variety of wepons in this map, using models, e.g Mace/Battleaxe/Spear/Dagger/Swords/Katana/Ring/Hachet/Staffs/Crossbows/...)

- Effects (like Speed/Strenght)

- Attributes (like Knockback resistance/Movement Speed)

- Own Arena or already existing one? (if own, what size?)

- Biome that you like (for Arena)

- Attacks (between 0-4)

- Text (beginning, Death, Attack 1, Attack 2, ...)

- Color of text

- Voice yes/no (if yes what type fast/slow, effects, robotic? You can also send me you own voice acting)

- Blocks for the Boss Selection room

- Why I should add you


- 85 Custom Bosses<sub> (wow I planned like 4 bossfights for this map...) </sub>(King, Enderpriest, Quad, Mushroom Boss, Powerful Skeleton, Mysterious Boss, Wither Master, Samurai Shawn2, LogDotZip, Demopan, TheWojtek11, McTsts, Aevus, Tyler6K, HHUUGGHHEESS5GAMING, Creetos, MasterSword32, MegaCraft02, PufferfishKing, SparkOfPhoenix, Werewolf117, VacuumSpace, IHazFury, IHazFury II, Skeleton Warrior, Cave Skeleton Warrior, EnderWitherSkeleton, Wool Stealer, Speaknott, Oliver_Fire, Shadow, Enderpig, Shadow_King, Emotionless, FlameCreeper & 4+ more)

- Player Zombies

- Voice acting

- Talking bosses

- Puzzle Dungeon

- Zombie Forest

- 5 different Weapons

- 5 different Shields

- 5 different Long-range Wepons

- Summoner Challenge

- 5 different protection variations

- Nether Arena

- Lot's of different Arenas

- Over 13,000 Commandblocks

- Uses mechanics, which shouldn't lag

- 5 different Potion Options

- Custom Mobs

- Ghost/Knight Challenge

\\Recoloring of the Boss/Creator names will be done, when the colored text problem is solved (Problem: Can't change color for every word)


Mushroom Boss:

- Minions

- Longrange

- Fast Movement

- Summons Mushroom Zombies

- Poisonous Aura

- 5 different Movement AI's

- Invulnerable Mooshroom, Killable Skeleton

- High Knockback

- Skeleton-Mooshroom Jockey


- Invunerable until you destroy his beacon

- Longrange

- High Knockback

- Random Flight

- Extremly fast Movement

- Attacks with a Laser

- 5 different Flight/Movement AI's

Powerful Skeleton:

- Summons Allies

- Longrange

- Throws Small bones

- Throws big bones

- Powerful

Mysterious Boss:

- Extremly Powerful

- Can fly

- Summons Allies

- Wither-WitherSkeleton Jockey

- Rare laser attack

- Strong

- Regenerates

- Long-range

- Powerful

- 5 different Attack/Movement modes


- Different Attacks

- Enderdragon mode (2 hits -> destroy diamond armor)

- Endermite Riders

- Ender Creatures

- The battle is in a volcano

- High Knockback resistance

- Fire & Wither attacks


- The King himself only deals 1/2 heart of damage

- Each time you hit him he summons a minion

- Servant (Baby Zombie)

- Undead knight (Zombie riding spider)

- Undead Elite (Powerful WitherSkeleton)

- Jester (Rainbow Armor)

- Undead Archer (Skeleton)

- Undead Peasant (Zombie)


Quote from Wither_Master next

I would love to be a zombie! My IGN is 'WitherMaster' I would love to have resistance and spawn wither skeletons around me every once and a while!



Quote from sanurai_shawn2 next

I would like to be a skeleton, my ign is "samurai_shawn2". i would have a iron sword and can do an aoe slash every now and then and have projectile immunity



- Fireballs

- Minions

- Earthquakes

- Longrange

- High Knockback

- 5 modes


Quote from TNTluva next

Oi, I'd love to be a boss.



Green leather chestplate, black leather pants, red leather boots.

I'll wield an Iron Sword.

Sword lights you on fire if I can manage to land a hit.

I will have my own arena, make it a medium circular arena.

Preferred biome: Swamp(without the water, don't want to nullify my fire attacks)

Meteor Crash: I shout "Meteor!" as I jump into the air, and rocket back down. Small area around me is lit on fire for a short time.

Arrow Barrage: I shout "Archers!Fire!"as flaming arrows fire out randomly in the arena.

Rush: "Get back here!" I charge(teleport to) the target and strike them, knocking them back and lighting them on fire.

Assist: "Need some help here!" A group of four skeletons armed with stone swords and iron armor are summoned.

Attributes:High health, slow,hits hard, fire resistant, projectiles don't hurt as much.

If I die, I let off a final shout of "You actually won, nice job."

If my attacks are too much, you can just use Meteor.



Quote from TheWojtek next

Your Graveyard map was very funny so I think I today will be playing at this map. ;)

Can I be the one of the bosses?

My nick is TheWojtek

- Type of mob - Pigman

- Armor - orange leather boots, diamond pants, orange leather chestplate and golden helmet
- Weapon -Melon with Sharpness II (If That Is Imposibble when give Wooden Sword with Sharpness II)
- Effects - Orange Particles when I walking
- Own Arena yes - Medium

- Biom - Clay Mountains
- Attacks - Summoners: I say "I Need Some Water" and when i say it 3 Skeletons has been spawned each with bottle of water.

Old Beacon: I say "Do You like beacon?" when player have Blindness I.

Flying: I say " Can You Fly " when player was teleported 12 blocks highter on the middle.

When I died i say " See You Later !"



- 2 Phases (Big/Small)

- Fast Movement

- 9 different attacks (Phase: Big)

- Animation?

- Particle effects

- Minions

- Magic

- Poisonous Aura (Phase: Small)


Quote from Wildmirror next

Hey, there! I'd like myself in there, if that's ok.

IGN: Aevus

Info: I'd be a skeleton, with a very powerful punch bow. When I spawned in, I'd have my head, a red leather chest-plate, pants, and black boots. I'd shoot large fireballs, that would build up stacks if possible. If they got hit with one, the fireballs would get more powerful. (If not with the fireballs, then just as they took damage.) If the players got close, I'd begin shooting arrows faster and faster. (Using command blocks). As I took damage, my attacks would get less accurate, and when I reached a critical health point, I'd become invincible, fly up into the air, and launch 5 devastating fireballs at the player, which are extremely hard to dodge. When this happens, I'll yell: "Oh, screw this! All-Seeing Spheres!"
When I die, I'd like to say: "You've beaten a god.. congratulations." If it's possible, I'd also like to drop a Fire Charge, called "All-Seeing Sphere". It would be a one-time use item, which would spawn one of the All-Seeing Sphere fireballs from before at the boss.

I know this is a lot, but it'd be AMAZING if you could do it. :)


Quote from Wildmirror next

In that case, you could have one REALLY big fireball fall from the sky. In that case, you'd do the same when the item was used. Then the quote would be: "To heck with this.. I'll take you with me. Chibaku Tensei!"

After this attack, I'd basically go insane, shooting extremely large amounts of arrows and fireballs, and spawning a lot of minions. However, then i'd die in a few hits.

You're awesome! :D


Quote from Wildmirror next

I didn't mean actual size, I meant Explosion Power. That, I know you can change. :)

So looking forward to this..


Quote from Wildmirror next

I'd love some skeletons, with golden armor, and iron swords. They would have speed 2, strength 1, and resistance 2. I'd also like some ghasts that spawn occasionally in the air, with invisibility. I like the arena, but could you make the middle area larger? I need to have room to shoot. More trees would be nice, as well as a few hazards, like lava pools and the like. (I would have fire resistance.)

There would also be a trap that, when they fell into it, made me say: "You appear to have activated my trap card.", and would begin shooting many arrows at them, and would give them poison.

Explosion Power 2 to begin with, then they would ramp up to Explosion Power 5 as the player took damage. The final one would be Explosion Power 45, or as high as you think is possible without causing issues.

The all-seeing spheres thing is from a show I watched, instead of that, then say "You've beaten a Champion.."

Follow range is fine, and do whatever you think is needed to make it cool. You're epic. :)



I would like to be in this map.

My IGN is: Tyler6K

I would like to be a zombie with diamond armor with Protection III

Weapons: Diamond sword with Sharpness V (If not V then II)



: Lasers, Summoning Clones, and Fire ball shooting



- Blaze Mode

- Zombie Mode

- Fire trail

- Minions


my IGN is TCUofficial, though I would love it if my custom name for the boss fight was Creetos

I think I should have a central nexus (aka beacon) in the middle of the arena and others in the 4 cardinal directions

once the central one is destroyed I will start to attack with a sword/axe and summon creeper minions, (and possibly a few wither skeletons to make it challenging)



Quote from Mastersword32 next

Hey MCtsts Here is my own (if you do add me, also sorry if this is really long)

Minecraft user: MasterSword32

Mob: Zombie (since I want my head to be on it and if this was a feature I would have it be an Enderman if they could have heads on)

Armor: Leather (Colors: Light blue tunic, black pants and white shoes)

Weapon: Phydronic Dragon Slayer (diamond sword with sharpness 5 and fire aspect 5(if you can do that), also Lore:Bathed by his enemies, his sword shall slay all in the path of the user)

Effects: Strength 3, Speed 3

Own Arena: Yes (30x30 arena)

Biome: Plains

Attacks: Flash o' Lightning, Celestial shot( a shot of fire and ice, the fire burns you while the ice slows you down( if you can, you know like put these in)

Attributes: Mostly Fast

Text: (at the start of the battle) Here we are at last, Now I must prepare for your death(during the battle) Make yourself useful and DIE(at the end) *cough* well now that you've weakened me enough and killed me, take my sword and slay all you oppose you!

Color of Text: Light blue and white

Voice: no

Blocks: Grass, tall grass, poppies and plain like blocks

That's my bio or whatever for this and hopefully you add me and like it :D



Quote from MegaCraft02 next

i whant to be a BOSS

my IGN/minecraft username: MegaCraft02

Mob: skelleton

armor: Leather purple dyed all parts

weapon: enderBlade (dimond sword)

lore: ehh i dont have any lore ideas you can make one for me :)

arena 30x30 sized

biome: the end (blocks in the arena is endstone and obsidien)

Attack 1 lazer beam

attack 2 be super fast for 5 sec

attack 3 summon 5 endermites

attack 4 fly for 5 sec

SUPER ATTACK all endstone blocks sets on fire for 10 sec (you have to go to 1 of 3-4 obsidien plattforms and do so the boss is immune to fire)



- Laser

- Underwater

- Minions

- Fast Movement

- Weird boss type (,but a new/cool Idea)


- Magic

- Longrange

- Minions

- 5 modes

Dark Bastian23ax

Quote from phoenixsun64 next

I Would love to be a boss!

- Minecraft Name
bastian23ax (Boss Name:Dark bastian23ax)
- Type of mob
- Armor (If leather, which color?)
Leather. Black Top And boots. Grey leggings and hat
- Weapon
Iron Sword (Fire Aspect)
- Effects
Flame PArticales
- Own Arena yes/no (If yes, what size?)
YEs. Large
- Biom that you like (Nether/Forest/Swamp/...)
Nether. So nether Blocks
- Attacks
Flame Blitz. Fire arrows from The Sky.

Zombie Minions

Fireball Blast, Fireball at the target

Sword slash, Attacking With Sword
- Attributes

Is Able To Summon A Wither Skeleton Before Death

- Text

Hmph. Another Idiot trying to face me. (Entrance)

Aghh....You..Did it? How..I DEMAND H- (Death)

Hmph. Another One In The Pit. (Win)

Agh! (50% Health)

Ugh. Im tired Of This. (75% health)

Ack! That Is A Hard Hit! *mumbles*Maybe i should turn you evil. (25% health)

Aghh! Final Minion! (10% health)

Fine. I Lose... (5% health)

- Color of text


- Voice yes/no (if yes what type fast/slow, effects, robotic, ...)


- Blocks for the Boss selection room.


Also Please Make A .zip version cuz i have a mac and wanna play it



Quote from werewolf117 next

- Minecraft Name: werewolf117
- Type of mob:Wither Skeleton
- Armor: Leather (Dark grey) + my head
- Weapon: None
- Effects: Speed V, Jump Boost 3
- Own Arena: Yes, Medium sized.
- Biome: Roofed Forest
- Attacks: Charge, summon wolves, Random teleport
- Attributes: High attack, Decent Health, Less knockback resistance (in the negatives)

- Text: Howl

- Color of text: Grey

- Voice: Yes, what you think a werewolf would sound like.

- Blocks for the Boss selection room: Coal and stone

Thank You.



Quote from VacuumSpace next

I would love to be a boss.

IGN/Boss Name: VacuumSpace

Type of mob: Wither Skeleton

Armour: My Head+ leather armour(White) with diamond chestplate

Weapons: iron sword (If can fire aspect 1)

Effects: Jump Boost 3, Speed 2

Own Arena: Yes. Medium-sized

Biome: The end. Blocks in arena are endstone and glowstone

Attack: Laser, Meteor and summon skeleton minions (if can with diamond helmet)

Attributes: Decent Health, High attack, knockback can be high and very low (random)

Text: 50% Health : You are much stronger than I expected

Almost at death: You won. I give up....

Start of Battle: Another mortal trying to beat me!? This will be fun

When I shoot lasers: Take This!

When I summon minions: Attack my minions!!!

When I shoot meteors: Meteors shall fall upon you mortal!

Voice: Yes. Robotic

Colour of text: Grey

P.S: I know you can't work on this at the moment but if you get back on working on this, Please add me as a boss. Also cool map



Quote from derSimlas next

A new Boss Idea:

The Pumpkin-Monster

Type of Mob:Zombie

Armor:The Head is a Pumpkin and the Armor is a Diamond-Armor Protection III

Weapon:A Diamond Sword with Sharpness V

Effects:Regeneration II and Strength II

Arena:A Big Arena


Attacks:Summon Baby Zombies with Pumpkin on the Head and Strength III



Quote from Doolda next

- TheDooldaKid

- Enderman or zombie

- Iron

- Iron Sword

- Wither effect if hit

- Yes. Medium sized

- End

- Strong sword attack,more common fast slash attacks, summon hostile wolves with call "BLOODHOUNDS!" in red text, Explosion attack

- High health, fast, reckless, fire resistant

- When I Die make me say "I hail you, worthy opponent."

- Purple

- No

- Lapis and iron blocks



Quote from roverb next

Just an idea for a boss.

- Name: FlowerPower

- Mob: Wither Skeleton

- Armor: Leather, yellow helmet, pink chestplate, green pants and dark green boots

- Weapon: Golden Sword (Sword Of Necta’ár)

- Effects: Speed,

- Arena: Yes, Medium size with some obstacles.

- Biome: Flower Forest

- Attacks Shoots fireballs, maybe laser, spawns minions. Makes grass that blinds and slows you.

- Attributes: Spawns flowers that heal him. You need to destroy them in order to kill the boss.

The lower his health the stronger he is.

- Text: FlowerPowerrrrrr. The revenge of the flower forest! Let it grow, let you die. Some more like plant themed things

- Color of text: Rainbow

- Voice : No, just chat.

- Blocks for the Boss selection room: Flower/Leaves

BTW: flowerpower is not my nickname or my ign



Quote from IHazFury next

This looks fun. Will try.

EDIT: why not apply for a custom boss.



-Could it be a big slime? If not, green leather armor.

-slimeball, knockback 10. Fun.

-Involuntary jumping, have to land in pools of water to survive the jump.

Blindness and nausea as the floor falls from under you.

Summon zombies with glass on their heads as "Refugee Astronauts".

- Own Arena yes. Size? 20x20.

- Extreme Hills below with glass as the platform you fight on.

- Explosion of baby slimes onto the arena. They'll annoy you. Also lightning.

- Speed 1, jump boost 2.

- Text? "Eat ships!"

- Color of text is yellow and blue.

- No voice.

- Blocks for the Boss selection room is a slime block.

^^^inspired by


IHazFury II:

- basically a easier version of IHazFury in a arena that was created by him

Skeleton Warrior:

- Shoots Lightning

- Uses 3 different weapons

- Use magic

- Gives slowness

- Intro scene

Cave Skeleton Warrior:

- Cutscene

- Edited version of the Skeleton Warrior

- From my map "The Mysterious Well"

Wool Stealer:

- Runs around

- From my map "The Mysterious Well"


Could you add me?

- Minecraft Name: EnderWitherSkeleton
- Type of mob: Human
- Armor (If leather, which color?): Purple and black, maybe with a custom purple wizard head?
- Weapon: Wooden Sword with Sharpness, Fire Aspect, and Knockback
- Effects: Speed.
- Own Arena yes/no (If yes, what size?): Yes, medium.
- Biom that you like (Nether/Forest/Swamp/...): End/Nether.
- Attacks: I have 4 attacks. The first one is shooting some fireballs, the second one is summoning minions, the third is giving the player slowness and blindness, and the fourth is hitting the player with my sword. I can only be hit when I'm attacking with my sword. The minions are Endermen (with less health than normal) and Wither Skeletons. The order of the attacks is: Fireballs, slowness/blindness, minions, sword, fireballs, slowness/blindness, minions, fireballs, minions, sword. The fireball and minions attacks last 15 seconds, the slowness/blindness lasts 7 seconds, and the sword attack lasts 30 seconds.

- Attributes: None

- Text:

"Mwahahahaha!" (When the boss fight starts)

"Time to burn!" (Shooting fireballs)

"GO! Minions!" (Summoning minions)

"Can you see me now?" (Giving the player slowness and blindness)

"Would you just die already?!?!?" (Attacking with my sword)

"Aaarrgh!!!" (Death. If possible, I'd like to explode too.)

- Color of text: Purple, black, and orange.

- Voice yes/no (if yes what type fast/slow, effects, robotic, ...): Yes. Just an evil-sounding voice.

- Blocks for the Boss selection room: End Stone/Netherrack.

If I'm too overpowered you can remove some of the attacks.




Quote from speaknott next

I wanna be a boss!

Name: speaknott

Type of boss: Creeper

Armour: Black and Purple Leather

Weapon: Fire Bow

Effects: Knockback IV, Fire Aspect I

Arena: End Stone with creeper and ender heads

Biome: End/Desert


ThorNT: acts like the thorns enchant, but causes an explosion to blast the player backwards

Creeperdust: throws up a cloud of sand, which fall back down and hit the player

Suicide Bomb: only used if I get down to 1/2 heart exactly. Explodes and kills me and the player

Attributes: high speed, medium health, can't be hit by arrows.



Quote from Flare_Ninja next

Could you make me a boss fight or do a fire ninja using my head.

Name Oliver_Fire

I would attack by going in and hitting fast and also shoot fiery projectiles. I wouldn't summon minions but be very power full and have an attack that would temporarily paralyze the player and an attack that would teleport the player to me for a quick beating and an attack that fires a slow fire ball that hits EXTREAMLY hard and destroys the ground. And a move that would send all players flying back wards.

I would be a zombie with red leather armor and my head found above. My arena would be nether rack and nether brick surrounded by a lava lake.



- Boss with new model

- Dark Steve boss

- Interesting minion concept

- Lot's of attacks

- Darkness themed

- Music

inspired by this:

Quote from mikkoman next

Awesome map. Solo'd a lot of bosses but some are just way too hard to solo (I'm looking at you pufferfish)
Keep up the good work


Type: Minecraft Steve but texture is pitch black. (If not possible, And Bipedal with really really dark texture)
Armor: None (Has Resistance II)

Health: 20 Hearts

Weapons: None (Has Strength II)

Effects: Resistance II, Strength II, Regeneration II

Arena: Huge and rectangular, 1 Block pillars of stone Parallel and red carpet leading to boss. (Like a Great Hall or throne room)
Biome: Stronghold / Castle (Abandoned) (Lit up by torches)
Attacks/Fighting style:
100% Health, Can not be Knock backed, Doesnt walk. Summons Shadows to fight (Pitch Black, Silverfish with Speed III)

75% Health, Can not be knocked back, Projectile protection. Gains Speed II. No longer summons silverfish. (Punches you)

50%, Can not be knocked back, Proj. Prot. Gains Resistance III, Strength V. (Punches you) Gives

25%, Can not be knocked back, Proj Prot. Resistace IV, Doesnt walk. Gives blindness. huge knockback ranged attack. Black silverfish with Speed IV and Strength III

10% Can not be knocked back, has Resistance I, Strength I, and Regeneration IV, Gives Blindness, Slowness VII, Nausea, Corrupted Jump boost VII
, and Wither I until death.

Text: Black

75% - Foolish flesh creature!

50% - You're no match!

25% - DAAAARKKKKNEEESSSS!! (Nocturne Reference)

10% - Puny little insect. You will never be strong enough

Voice: Yes,Whispery. (Check Nocturne from League of Legends for reference

Blocks: Black Wool.



Quote from _EnderPig_ next

I want to be a boss!

- Minecraft Name : EnderPig
- Type of mob : Enderman
- Armor (If leather, which color?) : iron chest and leggings, helmet and boots purple
- Weapon : Iron sword
- Effects : Nausea
- Own Arena yes/no (If yes, what size?) :End style
- Biom that you like (Nether/Forest/Swamp/...) : End
- Attacks : Drops obsidian to players head and throws them up.
- Attributes I can teleport



Quote from aln200 next

- Minecraft Name- Kristoven

- Type of mob- Wither skeleton

- Armor (If leather, which color?)- Leather (black and/or purple)

- Weapon- diamond sword

- Effects- Speed 2

- Own Arena yes/no (If yes, what size?)- Yes (16x16)

- Biome that you like (Nether/Forest/Swamp/...)- swamp

- Attacks- summons minions (either creepers or witches), shoots lightning (air phase), shoots ghast fire balls (fire phase)

- Attributes- high health, fire resistant, fast



Quote from proxwarrior33 next

are u planning to make more

if u do will u add me proxwarrior33

a skeleton with black and green leather armour with thorns and will u put a dispenser on his head

that has an electronic bow that spawns falling gravel

and he has regeneration ii

he has 5 attacks

drops stonebricks on the player

spawns swarms of silverfish

summons minions with dispenser on their heads with power II Bows and thorn on the green leather armour

summons a flying minecart spawner that drops a random Level III Potion on the player

and puts poison V on the player when he goes near the player

voice dominating

arena a arena inisde a mayan pyramid

Texts and Quotes

welcome challenger to my temple = intro

have u ever faced a swarm = when he spawns a swarm of silverfish

goodbye haha = when he drops stonebricks on player

stay back =when he summons minions

trouble from above = summons a flying potion dropper

take that challenger = when he poisons

i will have my revenge = on player victory

dare to challenge me again challenger = on player loss

this is a great map

and awesome bosses



- Summons Minions

- Teleports

- Different attacks

- Special Shadow Teleport


Quote from firecamo321 next

I thought of a boss fight idea.

By the way this map was AMAZING! I LOVED IT TO DEATH!!!

Nickname (aka my bosses name)- Emotionless

Mob- Wither Skeleton

Armour- Gold Helmet, Diamond Chestpiece, Iron Leggings, Black Leather Boots.

Weapon- Iron sword with Knockback III Or Sharpness II

Effects- Speed II, Nether Portal Particles, Regeneration 6 and Resistance 8 Until His Ultimate Soldier is killed.

Arena- Yes, Large size please.

Biome- Nether Castle Looking (aka a castle built out of nether materials)

Voice- Demonic

When player dies, what Emotionless says- "Ha! I knew you were a pathetic fool!


Stage 1:

He starts of saying this: "How do you think you can slay me? Pathetic fools trying to kill me."


As soon as minions spawn: "Slaughter him, My minions!"

Minion: A skeleton with White Leather armor, Stone sword with sharpness II, Speed III. 30 Hit points (15 Hearts)

Emotionless stays on top of a platform where you cannot reach him. He Summons 6 Minions to go down and kill you, once you kill his minions, a companion says "Quick! Let me teleport you in there!" He teleports you and you have to destroy the beacon. Just click the button. Once the beacon is desroyed, Emotionless will say "How dare you destroy my prized Jem!" and stage 2, commences.

Stage 2:

He starts of by saying this "You may have destroyed my Jem, but you will not destroy this!"

As soon as Emotion spawns: "No escaping this now!"

Setting you on fire: "Burn, you fool! Burn!

Summons minions: "Minions! Come help me slaughter this fool!

Striking lightning: "Die to mother nature!

Teleporting behind you: "Suprise pathetic fool!

Emotion: Zombie,Full Iron armor, Stone sword with sharpness II, Emotion's Special attacks: Summons 2 Minions (the previous ones in stage one) Aids him in fighting you, Strike lightning on your FACE (dosen't set you on fire, just dose about 1 1/2 hearts), Set you on fire, Teleport behind you.

After you have destroyed the beacon, Emotionless will summon his most powerful minion, Emotion. This stage is pretty Self-Explanatory, Just kill Emotion. After you have killed Emotion, Emotionless says this: "How is this even possible!? No worries, you will see pain now." and after that, stage 3 commences.

Stage 3:

Emotionless: Wither Skeleton, Gold helmet, Diamond Chestplate, Iron leggings, Black Leather Boots, Speed II, Strength II, 500 Hit points (250 hearts), Lava, fire, and Nether portal particles when he walks.

He starts off by saying this: "You think that was hard? Oh ho ho, this is just the beginning, my friend."

Special Attacks: Shoots a fireball at you, summons 2 minions (Like Emotion), Strikes lightning on you, Knocks you back about 15 blocks sometimes, Shoots wither Skulls.


Shooting Fireball: "Burn, you pathetic fool, burn."


Striking lightning: "Is it just me or is it a little rainy today? Muhahahahaha."

Knocking you back: "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"

Shooting wither skulls: "MY SERVANT SHALL AID ME!"

Straight forward again, Kill Emotionless. One you kill him, he says: "Now you've done it." and Stage 4 commences!

Stage 4:

He starts off by saying "You will not get out of this alive, but I will."

ENRAGED Emotioness: Diamond Chestplate and leggings, Iron boots, Gold Helmet, Speed III, Strength II, 750 Hit points (375 Hearts), Iron sword with sharpness 2.

Special attacks: The same attacks as in stage 3, TRIPLE wither Skulls, TRIPLE fireballs, Summons 4 MINIONS INSTEAD OF 2, knocks you in to the air about 6 blocks.


Shooting Fireball: "Burn, you pathetic fool, burn."


Striking lightning: "Is it just me or is it a little rainy today? Muhahahahaha."

Knocking you back: "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT!?"

Shooting wither skulls: "MY SERVANT SHALL AID ME!"

TRIPLE wither skulls: "We must kill him together!"

TRIPLE fireballs: "Beast of the underworld, aid me!"

4 MINIONS: "More of the beasts of the underworld shall aid me!"

Knocks you in to the air: "ARE YOU TRYING TO COMMIT SUICIDE!?

Again, Straight Foward, kill him. His death message:

What? How have you defeated me?! I may not be back, but you won't stop the others from slaying you, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" and then he dies.

What he drops: King's Crown. Protection 6, Projectile Protection 6, Fire Protection 6.

Ok, now THAT is a challenging boss fight, (If you add this one) you should put it near the end so players have good enough gear to actually kill the bloody thing.

1. Hope this gets added! 2. I hope you very much like it.


Flame Creeper:

- Attacks using fire attacks

- Summons Fire Bats

- Fire based boss

- Doesn't blow up, attacks like a Zombie

& many more bosses!

Other Stuff:


- Fight 4 types of Summoner from "The Graveyard"

- Weak Summoner ~ Zombies/Skeletons

- Strong Summoner ~ Zombies/Skeletons/Witches

- Powerful Summoner ~ Zombies/Skeletons/Witches/Creeper

- Ocean Summoner ~ Guardian

Zombie Forest:

- Fight 4 types of Zombies

- Undead Jumper ~ Baby zombie with extreme jump boost

- Undead Warrior ~ Meele Zombie

- Undead Archer ~ Longrange Zombie

~ Undead Boss ~ Powerful Zombie

Nether Arena:

- Complete the Jump'n'Run

- Survive in the Arena

- Find shortcuts

- Find secrets

Player Zombies:

- Fight different Player Zombies

- McTsts

- TheDarkCreeperLP

- Minersandko

- EnzoSoCute

& more

Puzzle Dungeon:

- buggy in 1.8.1+

- Solve 10 different puzzles


- Fight 'Ghost' mobs from "The Graveyard"

- Ghost Silverfish

- Ghost Cow

- Ghost Magma Cube

- Ghost Zombie

- Ghost Guardian

- Ghost Skeleton

- Ghost Witch

- Ghost Creeper


Picture will be added soon

- Fight the types of Knight

- Undead Knight

- Skeleton Knight

- Arena built by Schraggi


- Don't cheat (if you really want to cheat you can cheat)

- Don't use bugs

- Try to stay in the map

- Don't break blocks (Your gamemode 2 anyway)

- Some bosses can leave their Arena, if they do look for a button/pressure plate and activate it

- Render Distance min = 12 Chunks (but most bossfights work with 2 chunks)

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Download Custom Boss Collection

Available for next versions: 1.8.9
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9.0 13.04.2017 ANY R 140 MB 1.8.9 13 Download
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