EvilCraft A techno magical mod that adds really dark magic to the vanilla world of Minecraft. Build infernal mechanisms, perform black rituals, make bloody sacrifices, pump blood from your enemies
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EvilCraft A techno magical mod that adds really dark magic to the vanilla world of Minecraft. Build infernal mechanisms, perform black rituals, make bloody sacrifices, pump blood from your enemies
Extreme Reactors Extreme Reactors is a mod that allows you to create multi-block structures (Turbines and Reactors). These reactors generate Redstone Flux energy (RF), which is used in quite
Tinkers Construct – craft your tools from scratch Tinkers Construct – is a mod that has long been a classic. Players have been playing it and loving it for decades because it gives players a lot of freedom of action.
Extra Utilities: A Technology Mod A mod called Extra Utilities adds a unique energy — Grid Power — necessary for recharging new items. It can not only be stored but also transmitted through the pipes.
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